When Jesus says so.... (Mark 4:35-41)


When Jesus says so…


Let us go… (Mark 4:35-41)


If you look at that day in the life of Jesus and his disciples, it was a day loaded with teaching from Jesus, mostly about faith and the word.  So, you would have thoughts that after the teachings on the seeds planted on different grounds and the mustard seed.  They would be full of faith and believe.  Let us look at this passage! At the end of the day, Jesus told them: “Let us go to the other side of the lake.  Picture this, they were probably as tired as you are when Jesus ask you to do something.  They went anyway and lo and behold, a storm shows up.  At that time in the story, you like to wonder about Jesus.  Do you wonder also when Jesus asks you to do something and then everything goes wrong, and you want to tell Jesus.: “I knew it or I told you so”.  On top of it all as apparently, they were sinking and almost dying, Jesus was sleeping.


Jesus sleeping…you are hurting


Something is humanly wrong here.  Jesus, we are hurting, and you are sleeping.  This obviously a look in the mind of God.  They didn’t see the lesson; they were panicking like we often do when Jesus tests us.  “We are dying Lord”.  In every situation of life, we overlook a major factor which is the sovereignty of God.  They had been taught all day from the best teacher you could have found.  When he fell asleep, they wondered why? They no longer knew how to speak his word and they did not understand his intention.


Just repeat what he says…


Jesus had said to them…” Let us go to the other side”.  They took it to mean, “Let us drown all together and be forgotten forever.  We cannot go to the other side anymore, there is a storm.  Now, when you look at yourself.  Is it not what you say to Jesus when things go wrong in your life?  He told you something a while ago.  Just go back to what he told you, a promise, and stand on it because it is the Word of God to you and don’t let it go.

For every Christians at least it is the same thing.  We are going to Heaven and there should not be any doubt in your heart anymore.  If you have accepted the Lord in your heart at your Savior and Lord and confess Him as your Lord, you are saved.  You will be going to heaven.

He said to them: “Why are you afraid, don’t you have faith yet? (With all that teaching they received, they should have acted on it and believe. He spoke to the storm and the lake became calm.

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His words were still…”Let us go to the other side”(v.35)


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