
From the Heart by B.Demaere: Do not assume!

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Do not assume! :  Do not assume Due to circumstances this post might be shorter than others. My mother passed away on Sunday.  It was to be expected since sh...

Do not assume!

 Do not assume Due to circumstances this post might be shorter than others. My mother passed away on Sunday.  It was to be expected since she had dementia and she was rapidly deteriorating. But in that light, I had like to warn you about not assuming that you are always right in your views, particularly of God. Right he is a loving God and he also is a just God.  He wrote the Book of life not you. Don't assume that your views are going to match his Book, the Gospels. The simple Gospel is this: Jesus died on the Cross for our sin and then he rose from the dead on the third day. He is the Son of God. If we confess that he is we have eternal life, Many people today have sketched their own god and truly believe that this will give them entrance to Heaven.  Not so! Your beliefs have to live up with what the Gospels presents in the light of who Jesus Christ is. Thank you for your participation. For coming back on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. You are the best. I am Bernard and love

From the Heart by B.Demaere: In God's Strength ( Luke 4:1-15)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: In God's Strength ( Luke 4:1-15) :   In God’s Strength Luke 4:1-15 During his 40 days fast, Jesus was tempted by the devil himself.  It is not something to take too lightl...

In God's Strength ( Luke 4:1-15)

  In God’s Strength Luke 4:1-15 During his 40 days fast, Jesus was tempted by the devil himself.  It is not something to take too lightly.  A short fast can be challenging for most people, never mind a 40 days’ fast.  For Jesus coming in his humanity and going through these temptations as a human being it must have been very challenging.  Like ourselves when faced with temptations his only weapon was the Word of God.  All the Scriptures he chose against his enemy were out of Deuteronomy.  When it came to Satan making the offer and suggesting that he turned the rocks into loaves of bread, it was real, and I am sure that the temptation to do so would have been strong enough to sent desires to his brain. This was a real battle for Jesus fighting a real desire.  Have you ever attempted a fast?   Mostly, what I see through this passage is that Jesus did it in the power of the Holy Spirit.   He didn’t do it in his own human strength.   He had to lay down self and operate in the power

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Every Scar you own

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Every Scar you own :   Every Scar you own You might like myself have scars all over your body with memories and stories attach to them. I have scars from whe...

Every Scar you own

  Every Scar you own You might like myself have scars all over your body with memories and stories attach to them. I have scars from when I was a child when I went with my bike down a hill, took a spin and fell on my knee and scraped it badly enough that my mother had to take the gravel off it. Another one from Italy when I was balancing on a ramp and fell on an adjacent wall made of sharp stone. It seems that every scar you own are recorded on your or my body.   Sometimes, these scars still hurt like the one I have from my hip surgery.   Sometimes it itches. Every scar has a story to tell, and we bear them one by one. The Bible says that Jesus took our infirmities on himself when he died on the Cross (Isaiah 53).   Even those emotional scars that we carry around.   He wants them for himself so he can heal you.   Those scars of abuse he wants them. Why?   So that they don’t become a heavier burden to you because he loves you.   He wants to carry and care about everything yo

Family Affairs

  Family Affairs   Don’t miss it I know that we are busy in life or rather that we like to keep ourselves busy, while our infant girl or even teenager is crying silently for our attention.  They might even be desperately wanting your approval or guidance in their life.  But you will not give it to them simply because…you are lost in your business.  Love is yet an essential need of anyone of any age.  What you give to your children now is what they will give you in return when they grow up and more.  If they are miserable now chances are that you will be miserable with them when they grow up.  That is the fate we reap in our lives. Be all there My life with my children was good when I was ‘all there’ with them.  When I was not given to worry about our finances and rapped in myself with divers’ anxieties.  I enjoyed playtime with them, but not fully there.  It took us a while before I realized that I needed medications to live well.  Prior that time life was very chaotic; we mo