
Clear Announcement (Isaiah 45:18-19)

  Clear Announcement For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.   He made the world To be lived in, not to be a place of Empty chaos.   “I am the Lord,” he says, “and there is no other. I publicly Proclaim bold promises.” (Isaiah 45:18-19)   Every word in the Bible should agree with the other and agree also with the spoken word.   If someone now tell you the heavens and the earth were created by God.   You can now say: “Yes, I know I read it in my Bible.   The Bible is the Word of God written on paper.   It even proclaims itself to be Truth.   Whatever God has said is True and to be believed.   He can boldly say in confidence what he wants to say because it is always True.   He is the Absolute Truth.   No lies is found in him.   People may have lied to you, even so-called Christians, but he never will.   You might sometimes have not liked what has happened in your life but was it God’s fault.   We often perceive so

Be like a Tree (Jeremiah 17:7-8) (2 Timothy 1:7) (1 Corinthians 13:8)

  Be like a Tree (Jeremiah 17:7-8) I like this verse in the Bible so much.  This is one of my goals in life.  The verses before these ones are the alternative life one gets if they do not trust the Lord. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.   They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.   It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.   It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”          (Jeremiah 17:7-8) Over the years I have noticed some improvement in my life as the Lord has used this verse to help me to trust him more and more.   I used to be very anxious because of my mental illness.   To get back to this verse.   The trust that we must have in the Lord must ideally be unshakeable because he is unshakeable.   Our reliance must be on him and his ability to do something about the situation we are in.   It must be so easy for us to focus down on our situat

Meditation (Psalm 23)

  Meditation A lot of books are sold on meditation of all kinds these days.  People in general are interested in the deeper meaning of life.  I, for one want to grow closer to God, meaning I know he is always with me and in me, but I just want to know him more.  I must focus more on him and all the other things like time spend on social media will fall by the wayside. The Lord seemed to be leading me to read and meditate on Him through the 23 rd Psalm that speaks about the Great Shepherd.   The Lord is my Shepherd, it starts…What a great focus point for us.   This psalm has been a great inspiration to me in the past and still is.   It is full of pictures.   A shepherd with the sheep throughout.   He is always with them in their lowest time and their best time.   In time of hunger and time of thirst.   To start with proper meditation is to focus on Christ or the Bible other than self oriented.   Teaching on m editation, I agree has been feared among people because maybe of perplexi


  Relationships As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17) Over the years in my relationships with people and more specifically in my marriage, I have learned that God’s design for relationships was to make us better people.  This does not have to be interpreted in a certain way or another.  It means simply means that at the start of any good relationship, individuals start as being dull in the matter of life and as time goes by, each are matured and sharpened in qualities that were weak to start with. The constant friction that should always encourage communication with time is enough to make us better tools for God’s service. Daily communication is meaningful. Sharpening of tools is necessary for growth.   Creativity is constantly needed in communication, and it takes two to grow from strength to strength. In the matter of marriage for example there should be a constant molecular movement of communication of feelings and words and especially w

What is the Most Important Thing? (Philippians 3:5-11)

  What is Most Important Thing? Here, is the Apostle Paul who did not consider anything about himself as important.  According to Philippians 3:5-11, he does not even consider his past accomplishments or religion as important.  All his moral qualities and advantages, even past failures as he had persecuted the Church.  Everything about him he considers lost for the cause of knowing Christ. “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (v.8) If you read about him in the Book of Acts 9 and through his letters, he will tell you that he was a know-it-all kind of person.   Very proud of who he was and what he did.   It took a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus to convert him to Christ.   He had previously been a Pharisee of Pharisees and knew the Law of Moses inside and out.   What could have changed him so drastically, but Christ.   For delivering him from that bondage to the Law and all its religious regulations like there a

Are you being sifted? (Zephaniah)

  Are you being sifted? How is your life going so far?  I find mine quite challenging at times, mostly emotionally.  Am I being sifted like wheat like Israel was in the book of Zephaniah?  Are you being sifted? It seems through the book they were purified, sifted like wheat or flour. Zephaniah was a minor prophet meaning short message, who came before the reformation of Judah in the days of king Josiah around 640 BC. Was this global message to be taken seriously?   Yes, of course! God was going to strip bare the whole earth, maybe the known world at the time. (Chapter 1).   In Chapter 2, it starts with a call to repent then a threat to the people of every corner of the earth.   In Chapter 3 God intervenes again on behalf of his very own people Jerusalem and Israel, but finally in that same chapter he gives them rest (verse 11-14) and then jubilation.   The Lord has taken care of their enemy (v.15.   There will finally be great comfort for his people. I want to let you know th

Where is your Joy?

  Where is your Joy? You may have heard this before, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be there also” (Matthew 6:21). Simple is it not?  Jesus spoke that, your heart will go wherever you put your treasure.  It is so true and yet so many of us are convinced that money should be our treasure.  I, even sometimes struggle with that one.  Yet I know deep down in my heart that Jesus should be my treasure.  Even people can become my treasure and other things can take his spot.  But they will not satisfy.  Only the things that are eternal in value. Why is that?   Because the things of the earth perish, like food, money, sex are going to disappear.   Not that those things are bad in themselves, but they will not make you satisfied and happy as the joy of being with your everlasting Savior and Lord.   If you want lasting joy, find it there and not in your pocket. When the crowd around Jesus was abandoning him because they could not take in his teaching anymore.   He asked