
How Much Does it Costs? (Matthew 8:18-22)

  How Much Does it Costs? Decisions, decisions! Sometimes are hard but not if it is something worthwhile.   For example, Grace is free, but it is not cheap because the sacrifice Jesus made, makes it worthwhile. In Matthew 8:18-22, Jesus sets the bar high but not unreachable if we do it his way.   Religion is easy; it is just a habit.   Living the life Jesus lived is a matter of the heart.   Even repeating words to improve your life and make yourself a better person is easy but identifying and putting yourself in the shoes of your Teacher becomes much more difficult unless you follow him with all your heart. Block by block and precept upon precept following Christ is a relationship. In verse 19, the scribe or teacher of the Law came and told Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”   In his own language this religious leader probably didn’t even look beyond the wall of his synagogue like most religious people do today in the church.   But following Jesus meant a loss of a c

Better than a Pot of Gold (Romans 3:22-24)

    This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God , a nd are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus . (Romans 3:22-24)   Please don’t miss the beauty and simplicity of these few verses.   This verses to me are the key to what God can do for your life.   It means basically that all that you have to do in order to be counted a just person to God is to believe in Jesus Christ.   Put aside your own ideas about what religion is.   God through these verses is saying, you don’t have to do anything to please him.   The works that come after you believe are not really works but come out of your obedient heart to him. Obedience comes through his Word and what he reveals to you.   What I want to say is that nothing we do with God should not be done out of duty but out of pleasure.   It is a partnership between God and you.   There is no di

Met with Apprehension (Isaiah 61:3-4,7)

  Met with Apprehension Out of my struggle to swallow all that God is showing me in his Word.   I concluded that if his response to me was as bad as mine is to him right now.   I would become very depressed.   Do we ever realize that God is himself a person with feeling.   The Holy Spirit can be grieved by us.   Is he hurt by my apprehension that I have toward him and his Word. I tell you what I struggle with right now.   I am reading Isaiah 61:3-4 and verse 7. I know, I know these verses are regarding Jesus’s mission on earth, but could it not be also our mission on earth?   Are we not little Christ called out to preach to the nations.   So why am I in disbelief when it happens.   Rather, I should be rejoicing at this opportunity.   I guess the grandiosity of the mission leaves me overwhelmed.   I heard once a preacher saying something like this…   “If the vision does not scare you, it is probably not from God”. I agree. It was clearly shown to me by God that my apprehension t

God's Nightshift

  God’s Nightshift (Acts 12:6-17) God’s night shift can be busy as he goes about delivering people from bondage.  Peter ended up in prison by no fault of his own, but Christians all live in a dangerous world that pushes away differences.  Christians by no fault of their own are different just by nature. They are new creations. They are Christians who are bound by the world for giving into the world and others that are bound for going against the things and beliefs of the world.   Nevertheless, God has either way given us a way of escape.(1 Corinthians 10:13) We can always be victorious as Christians if we give up on the temptations and resist them. In this case, Peter had faithfully preached the Word and was bound by chains between two guards at night. Suddenly, an angel came in a bright light and delivered Peter.   The chains fell off and after the angels gave him some instructions they left and walked right through a gate that was kept by two guards who would have been cert

The Cross: Defeat or Victory? (Isaiah 50:4-9) (Matthew 27:30)

  The Cross: Defeat or Victory To many the Cross has been portrayed as a defeat, but not to God.  It means victory over death and sin. To some people, anything that looks like a threat is a defeat, but not to God or God’s peoples at least it should not be.   I believe these verses speak of Jesus at what would be his Crucifixion much later: Isaiah 50:4-9   (I will write down only the verses that means the most of what I want to say) Verse 5 The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.                                          Verse 6 I offered my back to those who beat me,                                                       My cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;                                                        I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting                                           Verse 7 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,                                                        I will not

Clear Announcement (Isaiah 45:18-19)

  Clear Announcement For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.   He made the world To be lived in, not to be a place of Empty chaos.   “I am the Lord,” he says, “and there is no other. I publicly Proclaim bold promises.” (Isaiah 45:18-19)   Every word in the Bible should agree with the other and agree also with the spoken word.   If someone now tell you the heavens and the earth were created by God.   You can now say: “Yes, I know I read it in my Bible.   The Bible is the Word of God written on paper.   It even proclaims itself to be Truth.   Whatever God has said is True and to be believed.   He can boldly say in confidence what he wants to say because it is always True.   He is the Absolute Truth.   No lies is found in him.   People may have lied to you, even so-called Christians, but he never will.   You might sometimes have not liked what has happened in your life but was it God’s fault.   We often perceive so

Be like a Tree (Jeremiah 17:7-8) (2 Timothy 1:7) (1 Corinthians 13:8)

  Be like a Tree (Jeremiah 17:7-8) I like this verse in the Bible so much.  This is one of my goals in life.  The verses before these ones are the alternative life one gets if they do not trust the Lord. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.   They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.   It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.   It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”          (Jeremiah 17:7-8) Over the years I have noticed some improvement in my life as the Lord has used this verse to help me to trust him more and more.   I used to be very anxious because of my mental illness.   To get back to this verse.   The trust that we must have in the Lord must ideally be unshakeable because he is unshakeable.   Our reliance must be on him and his ability to do something about the situation we are in.   It must be so easy for us to focus down on our situat