
Everything will be alright! (Psalm 23)

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.   He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right path, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.  You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. I love the book of Psalms, mostly because it was written by a man who loved God with all his heart and also because it is poetry. But as I dug deeper into this psalm one day, I discovered it had to do all with the presence of God and being with him forever.  Even here on earth. This psalm teaches about life and that everything will be alright as long as I am with

Where do you go for Comfort? (Psalm 27:1-2)

The  Lord is my light and my salvation ---so why should I be afraid?  The Lord protects me from danger--- so why should I tremble? When evil people come to destroy me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.  Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will know no fear.  Even if they attack me, I remain confident. Where do you find comfort when you are hurting?  In your husband?  In your wife? In sex or alcohol or drugs?  Is your comfort in money? All of those things and people are unreliable because they could be gone in a blink of an eye.  Overnight! The Lord is my light - to light my way The Lord is my salvation - to save me What else do I need?  Why would I be afraid, he is my Comforter.  I am covered on every side.  Even when the tempest beats against the boat I won't drown.  The Lord protects me from danger --- does it say from some  danger, no if it doesn't say from all danger it's presume to be from all danger, any danger.  So why? Would I t

Promises to Keep : Listen! (Isaiah 59:1-6)

Promises to Keep : Listen! (Isaiah 59:1-6) : Listen! The Lord is not weak to save you, and he is not becoming deaf.  He can hear you when you call. But there is a problem---your sins ha...

Listen! (Isaiah 59:1-6)

Listen! The Lord is not weak to save you, and he is not becoming deaf.  He can hear you when you call. But there is a problem---your sins have cut you off from God.  Because of your sin, he has turned away and will not listen anymore.  Your hands are the hands of murderers, and your fingers are filthy with sin.  Your mouth is full of lies, and your lips are tainted with corruption. No one cares about being fair and honest.  Their lawsuits are based on lies.  They spend their time plotting evil deeds and then doing them.  They spend their time and energy spinning evil plans that end up in deadly actions.  They cheat and shortchange everyone.  Nothing they do is productive; all their activity is filled with sin.  Violence is their trademark. I just came across this passage last night and the Lord spoke to me through it.  "Don't be surprised when evil comes your way after many prayers and supplications.  I can hear you but sin is in the way.  I can't do anything." To the

Promises to Keep : Rejected but accepted (Luke 14:15-24)

Promises to Keep : Rejected but accepted (Luke 14:15-24) : Hearing this, a man sitting at the table with Jesus exclaimed, "What a privilege it would be to have a share in the Kingdom of God!&quo...

Rejected but accepted (Luke 14:15-24)

Hearing this, a man sitting at the table with Jesus exclaimed, "What a privilege it would be to have a share in the Kingdom of God!" Jesus replied with this illustration: "A man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitation.  When all was ready. he sent his servant around to notify the guests that it was time for them to come.  But they all began making excuses.  One said he had just bought a field and wanted to inspect it, so he asked to be excused.  Another said he just had bought five pair of oxen and wanted to try them out.  Another had just been married, so he said he couldn't come. The servant returned and told his master what they had said.  His master was angry and said: 'Go quickly into the streets and alleys of the city and invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.'  After the servant had done this , he reported, 'There is still room for more.'  So his master said, 'Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges

Promises to Keep : A Noticeable Faith (Luke 5:18-20)

Promises to Keep : A Noticeable Faith (Luke 5:18-20) : Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat.  They tried to push through the crowd to Jesus, but couldn't reach him.  So th...