
Borderline Suicide

  I wrote this a few days ago in the heat of the moment and edited some of it , but now the update is that my meds might end up being reviewed and I was taking my blood pressure meds at the wrong time of the evening. Sometimes you need to meet the right people to get better and that takes time. Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning ( Psalm 30:5) In the heat of the moment Have you ever been at the end of your rope and gone crazy or close to it? In my case, all my appointments with counselor and psychiatrist were too far to care. I thought nobody wanted to spend time with me for they were too busy at life . My life was going for the worse. I washed dishes and was in tears.  I had a plan and was really depressed and thought that my life should end in the emergency room at the hospital.  There was nothing to look forward to especially now.  Again, my wife would work in a busy office for the next two months. Ray of Sunshine B


  Lightbulb Moment  Don't feel like starting a project? Here is my quote for you. "Hesitation is the partner of procrastination" Initially, hesitant about going for my walk today, I thought of some encouraging words to go along . And so, It was my lightbulb moment as I came up with the above quote . For this reason, could you please share one of your lightbulb moment in comments? I did go on a one and half hour sunny walk, very nice! I hope this one encourages someone today!


  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24) Bad News Which one do you want first?  We would say to another, the good news or the bad news? Well, in this case, I will all give you the bad news first and, that will put us all on the same level.  That is exactly what God did for us at Calvary where Jesus died for us.  We are all sinners and there is no one that is better than the other.  In Romans 3:23 it says that "We all have sinned" There is absolutely not one ounce or gram of good in us.  Even if we tried to be good or do good it would not please God.  God is basically saying to us.  Your religion is worthless, you are all trying to be good in vain.  Your works and good deeds are worthless and will never amount to anything.  I mean feel free to do them, but as far as making you righteous in God's sight they are useless and will never get you to Heave

Where There is a Will....(Acts 16:6-10)

  The Macedonian Call Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had told them not to go into the province of Asia at that time.  Then coming to the borders of Mysia, they headed for the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not let them go.  So instead they went on through Mysia to the city of Troas.  That night Paul had a vision.  He saw a man from Macedonia in northern Greece, pleading with him, "Come over here and help us."  So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, for we could only conclude that God was calling us to preach the Good News there. (Acts 16:6-10) Two Attempts Paul and Silas believed that God's will is found by moving forward.  In a Christian camp I worked at, the director's favorite saying was:  "It's always easier to stir a moving ship" . Indeed, I found this saying very helpful in my life.  Now, back to Paul and Silas as they tried a couple doors and could not g

Stay in the Light (Acts 15:22-32)

  This is a Raging Battle The battle is on, raging.  The enemy is furious.  He is throwing everything he can at you, fiercely, like in a 'ball throwing game' with you as his target.  It's almost the end.  He has one more try before he is a barbecued Scorched to death!  Don't give in! Not a Job, but a Ministry Recently, I was really encouraged to keep ´looking up' by someone working in an office.  I know, those people in offices look to me like they are doing boring tasks with no purpose.  Not so, look boring maybe to an active person like me, but not, without purpose. They have hidden tools in their shed. This passage in Acts 15, just light up to me this morning in that regard.  I raise my hat to all out there with boring jobs that I would not do even if I was bored or paid for. But God who is purposeful in every way has all of us in the right place and at the right time for all the right reason. Although, your primary job might be what you are obviously doi

Insight on Wealth (Proverbs 28)

Leafing through Proverbs  As we read through proverbs from king Solomon in the Bible. We discover that there is a wealth of wisdom from the wisest man (apart from Jesus) who ever lived on this planet.  Many of us, might question the wisdom behind the many wives he ended up having. Attitude toward Wealth Regardless, in this book, we notice a fair amount of advice about wealth and riches.  Particularly, chapter 28 drew my attention because apart from helping us detect a wicked ruler from the bunch.  It also speak of what a healthy attitude should be toward 'wealth' and how to approach it. There are destructive pattern in that regard and positive ones.  We must respect wealth and not treat it as something it's due us. Getting Rich Quick Apparently, there are two verses in chapter 28 that refer to 'get rich quick'.  It is the desire in a person to get rich quick that brings them to ruin. Trusting God keeps us on target.  The greedy man or woman is the one in control. 

It’s a Shameful Sting (1 Corinthians 11:22)

  What? Is this really true? Don't you have your own homes for eating and drinking?  Or do you really want to disgrace the church of God and shame the poor ?  What am I supposed to say about these things?  Do you want me to praise you?  Well, I certainly do not. (1Corinthians 11:22) It's in the Bible First of all, the subject of shame is in a lot of places in the Bible.  It all begins with the heart.  Have you ever embarrassed someone for their weight or religions or beliefs.  The way they feel or think?  You have managed to embarrass the very core of their being. The very part in which they believe.  Do you see the offense now? It's very personal Personally, I have become sensitive to it. Collectively, our mission should not be to make a person who feels good about themselves and shrink them to an inch tall in shame and humiliation.  Are you curious why I chose this passage of Scriptures?  Today, the Church is doing it even without the awareness of it and it makes peop