
From the Heart by B.Demaere: God in the News

From the Heart by B.Demaere: God in the News :     These are the Last Days   God has always been in the News.  He is God and he is in everything that concerns men and women, children.  ...

God in the News

    These are the Last Days   God has always been in the News.  He is God and he is in everything that concerns men and women, children.  He sees everything that is going on and I am sure there is a whole lot of head shaking in heaven.  God is not surprised he knew it all along.  We might be surprised, but everything is working out as he planned long time ago.  The nations are being lined up just like the planet would be.  There will be a New earth and a New heaven and Jesus Christ is coming back to take his true followers back home.  Nothing will be missing!  Everything will work out like a fine-tuned clock.   But what about you? There is certainly hope for you if you do exactly what God wants everyone to do.  That is so simple: Believe in his Only Son Jesus Christ. It sounds so simple and yet to many people it is so difficult because they find excuses not to love him. Jesus is the One who loved us first by dying on the Cross for each one of us.   He deserves our love.   God


  We are born expecting We live for short term hope for the next best thing that we hope will soothe us like a pacifier. Throughout life, we are given false hope over and over like in our next paycheque. Then the proverbial carrot is moved every inch further and we hope some more. It would be so much nicer if we could be richer and we buy a lottery ticket for luck as if luck was on our side. We find ourselves in a long tunnel that is life always told by too many people how our lives should be. We end up expecting less and less toward the end when we retire in a space that is getting smaller and smaller waiting for that something to happen when we will be maybe richer. Thinking that maybe we will experience some happy moments with people. All that we have left now is people to love until the end when the space becomes a box and to dust we return as a promise given to us long time ago. To dust we have returned no longer after anything or anyone. Except yes, for the one we h

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The I AM's of God

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The I AM's of God :   The “I am’s” of God All that you need If you know him as he is, you don’t need another miracle.   To know him should be your miracle. ...

The I AM's of God

  The “I am’s” of God All that you need If you know him as he is, you don’t need another miracle.   To know him should be your miracle.   All that he is, is with you. Because he is with you, it makes sense when he also says: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).   When you understand that truth, you will be alone.   When you trust him, all your needs are met. I am who I am (Exodus 3:14) God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. Here is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" This was the original verse of the I AM's.   The first time that God was promising Moses that he would go with him to the Israelites. The name I AM packs a punch and suggest that all the names of God are included in it. It was under God's authority that Moses went to them.   The names of God and Jesus also show people that you come under his authority and not your own. In the New International Reader's Version, it says it this way: "

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Your mind is like a Garden

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Your mind is like a Garden :   Your Mind is like a Garden   Be careful like a gardener     Maybe you have a grandmother or a mother who has a garden.   Anyway, h...

Your mind is like a Garden

  Your Mind is like a Garden   Be careful like a gardener     Maybe you have a grandmother or a mother who has a garden.   Anyway, have you ever seen how these people are always so careful and kind to the plants and flowers they work with.   It appears that they are handling fragile objects.   It must be so with your mind and the thoughts you put in.   Whatever you plant in your mind is what you will reap in due season.   You can never be careful!   I used to listen to wild music and watch harmful movies and I became the loneliest man on earth.   My input affected my output and I became also hateful and unpleasant to be around.     Sunshine and water   We all need some refreshing as gardens do.   A garden without water and sunshine is arid and harsh like a desert, nothing will grow there.   Your mind is the same.   If you listen to wrong conversation and harsh music soon you will have a limp outlook on life.   Surely hanging out with the wrong crowd will affect your l