
Changes are happening

 Due to unforeseen circumstances I will not be posting for a while I will keep you updated.  In fact, we have too many changes happening in our lives and one of them is to visit our grandchildren.  We have now 3 grandchildren compare to just one a year ago and we have to keep them all happy. It is a big job being grandparents and we are the only ones who can do it for ours little ones. We have more changes happening in the future which will impact the way I blog.  I will keep you posted.  Please pray for us for safe trip.

The Power of the Tongue (James 3:5-6)

(The Power of the Tongue) Ouch! This one is going to hurt me more than you.  Trust me!  Here the Apostle James tells us the evil of the tongue to warn us.   Here is what it says about the tongue in  James 3:5-6 “In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body.. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.”   These verses alone show us the potential of the tongue in wickedness, if that is how powerful the tongue is for evil, just think how powerful it would be in our lives if it was controlled by the Holy Spirit. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) I want to help you by sharing what I have learned lately.  In Joshua 1:8-9 it speaks about that if we meditate on the word of God, we will be successful.  Christian med

How to Choose Your Friends?

Good friends are hard to find but I enjoy the few good friends I have.  We get along and every once in a while, we give advise to one another.  Friends should be there to correct and rebuke but also, they should be there to share good times.  Too much of one is never good.  It needs to be balanced.  If a friend is too good to you and overly flattering, be on your guard!  If a friend is too good to be true, it is most likely that he or she is. Choose your friends carefully and do not be too desperate to have a friend or you will be a victim.   It is better to have a few good friends than many friends who are around you to cause you troubles. I have a heart for younger people.   I see teenagers being led into relationships that they may later in life regret.   They might think or say, “Who are you to give me advice…well I have had experiences and that should count for something. This verse should count for something as well: “Young people who obey the law are wise; Those with w

Caring for the Community or Business

Any community that you personally care for could be called a family or a church is included in this passage in Proverbs 27:23-27.   At least according to my modern interpretation of these verses. “ Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart into caring for your herds, for riches don’t last forever, and the crown might not be passed to the next generation. After the hay is harvested and the new crop appears and the mountain grasses are gathered in. Your sheep will provide wool for clothing, and your goats will provide the price of a field. And you will have enough goats’ milk for yourself, Your family, and your servant girls.”   The way I look at this passage is from a business point of view, and it is talking about a farm like business. The key thought is “Know what is going on in your family, your church or business.   Know the members of your family or your employees and care for them.   Spend your energy in caring for your members and not just the bottom

Understanding God’s plan through trials (Proverbs 20:24)

So many people are looking for answers these days and there does not seem to be a response from anybody and even God seem to be silent.  For some people it seems that life is lived in a vacuum. I used to be one of those people, even after I had been a Christian for many years, I could not find anyone to relate to me.   It is an awful feeling.   Just put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a minute and you might find that the road they are on is very challenging. Many people in today’s world are asking “why”? We do not have all the answers, and we know by our own admission even as Christians that life can be tough sometimes. I do not know why for example on the same day one person might be born and another die before his or her   age.   Yet several places in the Bible it says that “Human’s ways are ordered by the Lord”. “ The Lord directs our steps, So why try to understand Everything along the way” (Proverbs 20:24)     I know that it is a hard pill to swallow but once

Obedience but No Sacrifice (Hebrews 10)

Only think for one minute about how life is good…No longer do we have to offer sacrifices, because of what Jesus did for us, His obedience canceled the need for any sacrifices on our part.   Life is like that, it is either obedience or sacrifice.   What is it for you? King Saul had to learn this the hard way when he disobeyed God’s instructions about what to do with the spoil of the enemy.   He gave the lambs in sacrifice rather than obey God himself and that is when God told him: “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22).   So quit trying to please God by all your good works, it is not what he wants.   He wants you and Jesus understood this because it says in Hebrews 10:5-7… That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God, “You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer You were not please with burn offerings or other offerings for sin. Then I said, ‘Look, I have come to do your will, O God--- As is w

Double for Your Trouble

I must pinch myself…A while ago God showed me in the Bible that he would give me double the blessings for the troubles I have had in my life starting with those thoughts of suicide I experienced a couple years ago.  I believe now those thoughts were none other than attacks from the enemy Satan.  He wanted to destroy me and kill me.  That is what he wants to do in all of our lives.  No question about that, if you think that Satan has a gram of good in him, think again.  He disguises himself as the angel of Light. The reason I am sharing with you about the double blessing is that by faith I can almost taste it and it makes sense that if it is in the Bible for our own good.   God is so wonderful…why wouldn’t he not do that? Sometimes tough, we feel like we deserve double trouble because we like to think of God as a severe and angry God. But here in Isaiah 61:7 that is not what he says.   You see! God loves us so much that he gave us his Son and then he gives us some more.   It might s