Colossians 3:2,3

Let heaven fill your thoughts.  Do not think only about things down here on earth.  For you died when Christ died, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.

Now, it's interesting to note that we are not the ones working hard at filling our thoughts with heaven but, rather we should let heaven fill our thoughts.  We do the resting and get filled in the sense no longer worry about the things which is the system of this world.  Worry is work but we rest knowing that heaven is in charge of the whole thing.  We have a responsibility though, and that's to cease every opportunity that God provides for work and if that's not on his agenda for our lives, just to trust him and obey him.

 The Literal Translation of the English Bible is for Colossians 3:2  "The things above mind ye, not the things upon the earth."...Meaning: You mind the things of heaven, but never mind things upon the earth.

Jesus even said in Mathew 6:25 "Take no thought for your life"  and it's in the context of worrying about food and drink. You still need to shop for it, but he will provide what you need to get it.

Worry is not an Option

Bernard Demaere

I used to think,

Worry is an option,

As well as trust,

I was wrong.

Worry is no option

But a lie from hell,

Inspired by the devil,

To waste your time.

It eats at you,

And torments you,

It spirals you down,

Out of control.

You must repent,

Worry is a sin,

Only faith pleases God,

You are a child of God.

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