Proverbs 22:1

Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver and gold.

We seem to be surrounded by people who compromise their reputation.  We are sometimes tempted to even  ourselves obey the lures of the Tempter, the devil, because a proposition looks so appealing.
We have to be aware that those propositions could ruin or damage our reputation.

We need to guard our reputation every day as if it was gold or silver and I think this also is part of the fear of the Lord we must experience.  Temptations will always come our way, but we must resist them with the strength of the Lord.

Whoever you are today and whatever the job you do, work with integrity and pride because God is very aware and he sees every part of your life.

Stealing is one of the highest factor in lost revenue for many employers everywhere.
My dad had his own body shop for many years and one day he found out an employee had stolen a tool from him and he right away knew who it was (mostly because of the employee's bad reputation), needless to say that he fired the employee on the spot and that left in my memory as a child a life changing pattern that kept me accountable in my jobs.

All this to say that your reputation has great value and since in my country, Canada it's tax season let's remember to protect our reputation through it.

I am glad that some of you enjoy my blog, unfortunately as many people I find have issues with the comment box.  I have tried just about every settings to alleviate the problem.  If anyone has issues please contact me through Facebook or email: I want to know and look for solution however drastic they might be. Thank for hanging in there with me!


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