Be on Guard! (Psalm 130:5-8)

I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him.  I have put my hope in his word.
I long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.
O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love and an overflowing supply of salvation. He himself will free Israel from every kind of sin. 

We can be counting on a lot of things in our lives.  Count on our spouse!  Count on our bank account, but are we really counting on the Lord for everything?  Or is it counting on something else plus the Lord?
It's a tough question for us all.  By counting only on the Lord we are a lot more vigilant.  Nothing worse than a soldier,(That's what sentries are by the way).  Nothing worse than a soldier who is distracted and who is not all there.  Total focus is the key here!
I have put my hope in his word, he says.  Wow! Have you put your hope in his word or is it in the television? Radio? Newspaper?   I am not perfect either but I can see God is purging me too in saying this to you, spending too much time on Facebook?  Wow! Thank you for showing us all this wasted time we could have with you.  Oh, we say. "I don't have time for reading your word" or "To spend time with you in prayer"  God is saying to you, "You have 24 hours like everyone else."  The Lord is speaking to me too, not just you.  Reading the word of God and prayer come from our relationship with God and at certain times he draws us more than other, I understand that.  It is a discipline!
Perhaps, you don't have a relationship with Jesus from the heart.  Maybe he is not your Lord and savior yet.  This is certainly your day.  Don't wait for a sunny day!  This is the day of salvation, the Bible says.
Have you seen what he says in this verses about overflowing supply of salvation.  Now that's not just a trickle, it's overflowing out of you all the time so walk like it is.
Do you see that river overflowing?  No?  It's because there are trees up stream blocking it.  First you have to go up river and have the Lord do a major clean up and take those barrages off.  Then it will be flowing again freely.
It's funny at first, I had not put that last verse: "He himself will free Israel from every kind of sin."
Yes, God is speaking to his people, all people sin, even God's people have to deal with sin.  They just have that added comfort that they will be forgiven when they confess them and you can too.
The river has to be cleansed for that salvation to overflow and then what a joy that will be.
You can be young or old it doesn't matter.  The young could say "Well, I am young I still want to have fun." Ok fun is good but keep God in mind and don't waste your time.  Make your life count for something then.  If you are old, your life might be almost over but don't let yourself go.  Grab onto hope and give it to this generation.  They need you desperately.

I am concluding here, enjoy the sunshine if you have it in your country.  Some of you might see a lot of rain where you are, but God shines on all of you!  Have a good day!  


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