A Noticeable Faith (Luke 5:18-20)

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat.  They tried to push through the crowd to Jesus, but couldn't reach him.  So they went up to the roof, took off some tiles, and lowered the sick man down into the crowd, still on the mat, right in front of Jesus.
Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."

The effort that these men were willing to put in to have that man seen by Jesus, hoping against all hopes that something would happen to him was amazing.  They went with great expectations but nothing was guaranteed. What kept them going was their genuine faith over these obstacles. 
 They were willing to fight for their faith and do whatever it takes and even climbing over people to achieve the goal.  They were determined to succeed.

They couldn't go around or go through so they went over the obstacle.  Do you have that kind of faith to trust Jesus and take him at his word?

Jesus does not specifically say he will do it also for you but it says that he saw their faith.  How can you see faith?  Faith is invisible?  Well, you can't see the wind either but you can see what it does.  So in the same way God will see your faith by your actions of faith for what you might have believed for years.  Faith comes by hearing the Word.
Yes, believed for years but without action is not faith at all.  You have to accompany your faith by actions always.  Faith is accompanied by actions and not actions accompanied by faith.  Faith has to be the locomotive at the front. Behind, actions will be the cart.  Faith is the motivator and it has to be clean. God sees the heart.

It is then a joy for the Creator to forgive your sins and even to heal you and as you can see the Pharisees didn't appreciate that (verse 21).  The authority Jesus has on earth is enough to forgive sins and heal diseases and make the lame walk (verse 22-23).  He is all God and all man without sins able to meet all your needs if you have genuine faith from your heart.

If he noticed their faith he will notice yours also by your actions of faith.  Trust him.

Have a great day!


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