PAUSE! Interpretation explained! (Hebrews 6:19) (NIV)

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Well, I hope you had a great day yesterday and today.
The foundation of the Word is faith.  Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NLT) "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish" (the KJV says the Author).  Faith can be translated or interpreted to be Hope which in the Epistle to the Hebrews is described as an anchor.  An anchor is what keeps a boat in the place you want it to be, steady even in the storm.(Hebrews 6:19)

On that foundation of faith we built.
There is a thread running through the Bible, it is red and it represent, blood.  The blood of Jesus that was shed for us.  That thread appears in the book of Joshua as Rahab puts it by her window (Joshua 2:17-21).  It's there as a sign of salvation to her family.  The family of a prostitute, a Gentile and a descendant of Jesus.  The way to the Gentiles is paved.  The blood is a message of salvation to the nation.  The Ark of the Covenant is also there in the Bible to bring hope to the nations.  It contains all the elements of the Presence of God, the importance of the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath, the authority of Jesus demonstrated through Aaron,  The blood used through the sacrifices.  All those are in the Ark and represents the Presence of God and He is right here with us for us never to be afraid.  Trust always trust, the Blood always the blood and Hope always hope.  These all build up to the promises and to God and Jesus, His name and his names found in the Shepherd's psalm, psalm 23.  Oh what a psalm, this psalm is to me very valuable and it is a marvel in poetry writings, the writer David, was able to hide the names of God within that psalm. Jehovah Raphah, Jehovah Nissi ect...  I think there are seven names of God in that psalm meaning "I AM"

This is AMAZING! 

Don't take all these for granted, the Blood, the Names, the Presence of God which contains the Glory of God.  The Glory which can change humans or repels them.  When the Glory appears all kind of things can happen, miracles, don't neglect miracles.  Prophecies, don't neglect prophecies etc...Don't neglect the Presence...The Word, prayer and miracles will not happen without it.  Without that Presence.  We ought not to seek it, we ought to walk right in it.

This is what I try to base my life on and sometimes I fail but praise God I am never far from a promise or the blood or the great I AM.
There is always hope for those who are in Him.  The Presence of God, spotless without any wrong motives.  It cuts right through you like a sword, the Word of God.  It's gained through meditation and wisdom.  It's all connected and I could go on and on.  A simple Word of God that is yet so complex to challenge the intellect and so simple to make a child marvel.  Jesus is your Door, there is hope in that.
Pointing people to him, the hope of Glory.

We have to know who we worship and why we worship him and the Bible and why we read.  It comes by revelation and prayer.
Hope is my reason for living and hope is Jesus.  The promises are through Jesus and are found in the Bible and that is what I stand on in order to interpret it.  The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and giver of comfort to the Church, the sheep need him in these last days as much as it needed Him in the early days.  The presence, we must practice it through the rest, this is a double meaning word of ''rest.  Trust is rest, the activities come later through rest. Not distractions!

Have an awesome day!


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