The "incredible" god of Spinoza vs God

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.  He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation.  Christ is the one through whom God created everything in heaven and earth.  He made the things we can see and the things we can't see---kings, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities.  Everything has been created through him and for him.  He existed before everything else began, and he holds all creation together.

I originally was going to speak about the following epistle after Ephesians, but decided to go with the epistle to the Colossians.
Then someone had send me a post on Facebook about Einstein, one of the most intelligent man that ever lived.  The article spoke about Einstein being asked by his students, if he believed in God and he would answer that he believed in the god of Spinoza, who was a Dutch philosopher.  The god of Spinoza was an imaginary god who spoke self-denying words of what the real God could have said. 

Interesting! Let's see what would be the benefit of believing in a god who wants to be ignored and never praised except through the enjoyment of your life.  I am glad my God created everything and doesn't want to be ignored.  I am glad my God is alive and made a mark on humanity by dying on the cross for us.  He died for you and how arrogant would you be if you claimed this God wants to be ignored.

The god of Spinoza is basically one who not only doesn't want to have anything to do with his children but doesn't want to punish them or discipline them.  Does that connect you to our society?

Although Einstein claimed who his god was and passed on.  He said this about the real God, "God is clever, but not dishonest".  Whatever that means.  God is more than clever, he is all-knowing and he is honest.  He made you too, Albert Einstein!

Everyone will bow down before God someday and confess him to be Lord.  So why not start today?


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