The Downfall of Thoughtlessness (Ephesians 5:17-18)

Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do.
Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life.  Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.

The downfall of thoughtlessness, it's rapid in today's world.  People speak words they don't even understand because if they did and if the understood the impact they have around them they would care more about them than the clothes they wear.  Words can be building bricks or they can be throwing bricks.  We seem to use them most often to throw at people.  Let's build, shall we?

What is in a word?  Either thoughtfulness or thoughtlessness.

We come out of thoughtlessness to understanding when we stand on God's guidelines which are the foundations of a restful and trusting faith.  Peace is always a good guide into understanding God's will.  Does it give you and the people around you 'peace', true peace.

Now thoughtlessness here can progress into drunkenness.  Have you ever seen a drunk person being careful with his or her words.  I haven't and they put a lot of emotions into them.

For those who are able, the filling of the Holy Spirit is not at all emotional.  Up one day and down the next.  No, it's constant, I am always filled with the Holy Spirit because he has promised to never leave me or forsake me.  My cup overflows.  I live in green pastures because the Lord who is my Shepherd is leading me.  You got it! The infilling of the Holy Spirit and I am going to make some people angry is not based on an emotional roller-coaster but on God's promises which are much more stable than your feelings.
A faith that is controlled by emotions is an immature faith, faith that stands on God's promises has matured into a life that is filled with the Spirit.  It is not swayed by emotions and situations coming your way, but it stands perfect.
The next verses talk about the singing that comes with the infilling of the Spirit and I suggest it comes from the joy experienced by God's promises.

"Well", you ask, how do you know you are right in your interpretation of this passage? There is just a link in the Bible, that's all I am going to say.  Come back tomorrow and I will explain.

Until then, have a great day!


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