The elusive nature of Humility (Micah 6:8) (Jeremiah 49:16)


8. No, O people the Lord has already told you what is good, and this is  what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.  (Micah 6:8)

16. You are proud that you inspire fear in others.  And you are proud because you live in a rock fortress and hide high in the mountains.  But don't fool yourselves!  Though you live among the peaks with the eagles.  I will bring you crashing down," says the Lord. (Jeremiah 49:16)

1) The Requirement

What is required?  To do good, to love mercy and to walk humbly.  Yet, we forget it is a requirement.

We might be a king or a prophet.  A pastor of a large church, we just forget who put us there.  It just happens.  Pride is a stumbling block to most of us and maybe that is why humility is as much elusive as wealth or success.  We just don't know how to get it and yet humility is required by the Lord.

2) The prison of pride

As I already mentioned, pride is in our way.  Indeed, we have an image to defend and we have human-centered requirements.  Further, we are caught between the two...God and man.  Who do we decide for?  The obvious decision is God, but pride holds us hostage against our self image.  As the verse also shows us is that pride keeps us hidden in our high mountains, but not only that...Also in our rock fortress.  Doubly imprisoned with no one to help.

Humility is hope

Alternatively, despite of that rock fortress we have shut ourselves in.  God is still there.  He is there with us just the same, with his love and his...requirements.  Doing good and loving mercy and walking humbly before him.  We stumble and we hope and walk again in humility until the next time.  Humility is a requirement, but also a relationship of ups and downs and we have room to grow.  Away from that rock fortress of pride.


Just forget about the requirements of pride that hold you up and walk humbly before your God.  He loves you and means good to you too.  He looks out for you as much as you like to look out for other people.  His burden though for everyone is light.


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