The Race (Galatians 6:9) (2 Timothy 4:7)


So don't get tired of doing what is good.  Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. (Galatians 6:9)

I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. (2 Timothy 4:7)

April 15, 2012   56 years old

This is the date and the age I was when I ran my first and only Sun run 10 km race in Vancouver, BC.  Those were the years, I was into running and constantly training.  My goal was to eventually run a marathon, but a half marathon would have been enough.  Then, we moved, the sight of a hill and my enthusiasm deflated down to just walks.

Although, discouragement comes slowly it is common.  It creeps in on us and before we know it we are on our knees begging for strength.  Maybe though, that's where we should have been at the start of the race.  How often do we do the race in our own strength instead of God's?

Indeed, we see a distraction during the race on the side of the road or we have to avoid a puddle, and our focus is gone.  We have to pick up our speed again.  As a result of all my running I learned this one important thing...Focus is the key!

In running this 10 km run I wasn't to worry about finishing first.  I was just focusing on doing my best out of hundreds of participants.  It was a great experience of atmosphere.  Just imagine, surrounded by racers all focusing on one finish the race.  The energy was incredible!

So my question to you is: Are you still in the race?  Are you there to win or are you in to finish the race?  The Apostle Paul, never talked about winning did he?  He talked about finishing, faithfulness.

You might be on your last mile or kilometer of spiritual life until eternity, but don't give up now.  One last push, the hardest.  You actually see the Finish line.  Your muscles ache, you need water but, you passed the snack station a kilometer ago.  One more push!  Will I make it!  It's intense, everything in me wants to give up.  I keep pushing just a little bit more now.  One meter to go!  I made it finally!  Where is the water, the food?



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