We should not Forget (Psalm 143:5) (Romans 6:23)


I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.

Today at 11:00 am Remembrance day will be celebrated in some parts of the world.  What do we actually remember?

Actually, I remember the stories my mother (still alive) used to tell us ( me and my younger brothers) throughout our childhood.  It was real for her, she was four years old when WWII broke out  in Belgium where she lived.  I remember her telling us a fascinating story about her dad taken as prisoner by the German in Holland.  The only way, my grandfather could be freed was one day, when they interrogated him.  With the little Dutch that he knew, he had to pronounce one sentence just right in Dutch.  My grandfather did it and was set free.  Imagine the feeling!  To be free from death or prison, just because of one right word.

However, there is a spiritual application to this story.  Right now, eternal damnation is your destiny because of your sins.  Through your nature passed down many generations from Adam and Eve you like all of us have inherited that nature.  You have inherited them and sin is really part of you.  You cannot escape it whether it be through different disciplines like yoga or other religions these won't help in taking care of the problem of sin.  Nevertheless, God has provided a way, the only way to 'heaven', which is by the way a wonderful place. Jesus claimed to be the Way to the Father in the Gospel of John 14:6.  Importantly, he died on the Cross and rose again from the dead.  Death could not hold him back. He claimed to be the Son of God who paid the ultimate sacrifice for humanity and rose from the dead.  The connection between my grandfather with Jesus and you is this.  Inevitably, the only way my grandfather was freed, was by saying a few words with the right pronunciation. Because Jesus obeyed his Father you can follow him and receive him in your heart.   His forgiveness will set you free and you will live forever with him.  Jesus did it just right for you!

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord  (Romans 6:23)


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