What happens to us when we love God?

Be careful to obey all the commands I give you; show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and clinging to him.  Then the Lord will drive out all the nations in your land, though they are much greater and stronger than you.  Wherever you set your feet, the land will be yours... (Deuteronomy 11:22-24)

How to love God? (v.22

As a child show his father how much he loves him by being obedient to him.  It is not any different between God and ourselves.  Obedience is what characterize us from the rest.  It is what distinguish us.  As a child also can be clinging to his father of mother, so we too show our love to him by demonstrating how much we really need him.  We cling to him!

Then, he will fight (v.23)

Furthermore, he will fight for you if you keep to your side of the commitment to love him with all your being.  Are you oppressed at the moment?  Are you in an apparent losing battle?  Then love God by obeying him and cling to him, then he will drive out whatever is troubling you.  Is it not what he is saying to us right now?  It's a promise we can cling to as well.  It doesn't matter if they appear to be stronger than you eventually he will drive them out.

Establishing ownership (v.24)

Indeed, he will not only fight for you, but even though you appear to be smaller and weaker, he will drive them out.  In this case, they were given ownership of the land as they conquered those foreign nations.  This could be the same as an obedient child being more confident for that reason.  Obedience gives you confidence.


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