God Only Knows (1 John 1:9) With link to song


But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong.  (1 John 1:9)

Secrets too Deep

Although, God knows about everything in yours and my life.  He still wants a relationship and for that we have to communicate with him.  No matter how you look at it everyone has secrets.  They hurt too much to speak of.  They are way too deep in our subconscious.  Maybe this is the way it should be.  Sometimes we hurt so much from our past  that we have chosen not to share it with anyone.  People can be hard to trust sometimes.

God Only Knows

There is a song that really bless me and I want to share it with you all. It's  "God Only Knows" by - For Kings and Country.  A Christian singing group.

Pet sin anyone?

Many times, we have a "Pet sin".  It's  a sin we like so much that we adopt it in our lives to nurture and care for.  This might be ridiculous as you read this.  God wants to mostly be trusted with our issues in our lives.  He doesn't want you to pet your sins anymore.  He wants to know them, if you are ready for him.

Although, it's not easy for me to write this.  I am not denying the fact that there are still many hurts in my life and you probably have them to.  Sin is rampant in this world and the world would be a much better place if we all dealt with our own sins and let God know all about them even though he already knows them all.  Yes, some of those things you are going through God only knows and ideally he wants to know it all when you are ready to tell him.

There is a link to a song and the lyrics.

This is a beautiful song by For Kings and Country group: 'God Only Knows'

— Read on www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/forkingcountry/godonlyknows.html


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