This Light (John 3:18-21)


There is no judgment awaiting those who trust.  But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God.  Their judgment is based on this fact:  The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness.  They stay away from the light  for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished.  But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants. (John 3:18-21)

This Penetrating Light

Naturally, someone who has been much in darkness as I have been can truly appreciate the enjoyment of light.  It's like coming out of a dark cave and after a long time coming out into the light...I can see, how wonderful it is!

Light always overcomes darkness.  It is the Sun that is active and the dark of night is passive, so the morning invades the night and not the other way around.  If it is so in the natural wouldn't it be like this in the spiritual realm.  Certainly, evolution can't explain it.

This Enveloping Light 

This Light envelops you and gently wraps around you.  You can trust it.  Wouldn't it be an insult to someone who has a reputation of always telling you the truth, if you, all of a sudden called him or her a liar?  It is the same with God, we know him to always say the truth, but if you choose not to trust him, it is as if you insult him.  We can fully trust that Light or that Light will judge us.

This Welcoming Light

Although this Light is the most penetrating light there is and the most overcoming also.  It is very penetrating and comfortably wraps around you and warms you up.  Why would you walk away from such benefits.  Simply, because you love more of the darkness, even though God has already defeated this darkness as I have just shown you.  The reason why more  people don't read this post is because people love their darkness more.  I cannot explain it otherwise, can you?

If I was to sell you light, I would also tell you how welcoming it is and it even benefits your health and emotions.  Such is also that spiritual Light of Jesus.  If you would walk in it you would have eternal life.  Our contribution to this Light is to let this Light 'know' us in every corner of our lives.  So 'Be known' or you will be one that Jesus will say to: "I never knew you"


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