You can do it (Philippians 4:13)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.  (Philippians 4:13)

Have you ever been at a point in your life where you have not been able to do anything?  Nothing at all.  I have, several times over.  Unfortunately, that's what the paralyzing effect of depression does for you.

Long time ago when our children were still young.   One of them made a plaque for my wife and stuck on it a piece of paper.  On it is written the words of Philippians 4:13..."I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me".  Here is the plaque! By now, it's worn out but even more precious than ever.


This verse is a wonderful verse and has ,literally, been my life-line many times.  It kept me going when I just wanted to give up altogether.  It's a verse that we memorize when young.  Yet we don't fully understand it because we take it for granted.

Unless you find yourself facing a wall and crying to God. "Dear God, I can't do this please help me."  You won't understand it and fully appreciate it. Because you are still doing it on your own.

Have you ever have been laying in bed in the morning?  Not being able to get up because depression has you paralyzed with fear of another day.  I have!

That is what I am talking about.  Not being able to accomplish a task because of depression or fear of failure.  Yet as I have faced situations like that, I have found comfort in the fact that even in the things I can do.  I still need Christ to strengthened me as I proceed to do them.  There is a great danger in being self-sufficient and that is disconnection from the greatest source of help we have.  That is God himself.

When life is a wall all around you and you can't overcome, just whisper...I can do all things through Christ...and the wall will crumble.

As we face life with the thought that there is nothing that Christ cannot do. We will be able to rely on him more as we know his all sufficiency. Even for the things we could do ourselves, but can't without his strength.  Those are miracles waiting to happen in us.  Yes, miracles as we display to others the things Christ can do through us


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