Persecuted but Joyful

The Purpose of Suffering

I used to complain a lot while suffering and then one day the Lord showed me that it didn’t reflect who he was and now I also realize that suffering or trials are used to teach and remind us what we learn in the Word and practice joy through the trials.

The example of joy

More than one church in the new testament suffered persecution.  But the church in Thessalonica was a church that still received the word with joy despite of everything that was happening to them.  The Apostle Paul visited them once and never returned.  Why?  Because Satan stopped him from going back (2:18)

A couple of  verses catch my attention in the first chapter:

So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you.  In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord.

As a result, you have become example to all the believers in Greece-throughout both Macedonia and Achaia.  (1Thessalonians 1:6-7)

Joy is a sign of maturity

I know the Christian life is challenging but Paul reminds that church of the hope they have in Christ and the fact that Christ is coming to take them home to heaven through the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:13-5:14)

I also know that despite of being in the Body of Christ we sometimes feel lonely.  It is up to each one of us to look out for each other and not fall into the trap of self-pity.  We must “disturb” and be willing to be “bothered” by our brothers and sisters.  We must work at being vulnerable.

We simply need each other to succeed at joy.

In your conflicts this week why don’t you seek a trusted friend and request help.  When I was struggling in the past with feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts I went to a couple of friends for support and prayers, and it did help.  I realized quickly that this walk is not meant to be walked alone.  You need everyone’s support. Know your limits!

We Christians, need to be supportive of one another so each of us can be victorious, all together.

We are one in the Spirit.

But not alone!



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