
Oh but to be content! (Philippians 4:11) (1 Timothy 6:6)

" Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." (Philippians 4:11) "Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment..." ( 1 Timothy 6:6) Born in a materialistic society, how can I be content with what I have?  Does it include everything in life or just money?  Can I live a life without envy? The problem is not money, but the love of money. My struggle right now is whether to look for opportunities in my life of making more money or let them come to me.  What is the Truth? Now the meaning of the word: Opportunity is a 'set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something' also favorable time. This is taken from the online Oxford dictionary So to me it clearly shows that opportunities will come your way and you don't have to look for them as this world teaches.  You have certainly heard the phrase: 'Anything that moves is easily stirred.  I think it means for us, 'keep doing wh

How Can a "Hurting" Church be Effective?

  What is the Church?  A basic description in the Bible is that it's the Body of Christ.  Many members, each with different gifts. Who is in the Church or also the local church.  People of different families, with feelings and cultures close to their hearts.  Defensive, some untouchable, also terribly hurt.  Can a wounded soldier go to war?  Can a wounded soldier operate a weapon effectively?  If your answer is "no" you are absolutely right.  How can such a hurting Christian see clearly with the lenses he or she's got?  How can a Christian with hate and malice in its heart caused by unresolved issues fit in the Body of Christ?  How can a Christian who has endured 'perverse' discipline in childhood love the discipline of the Church now?  Prolonged hurtful feelings of any kind can bring Satanic oppressions of many kinds.  You need healing. Sunday after Sunday, church. discipline reminding some of us of our childhood in the '50s when our Sunday school teacher

Moving on to Faith (II Chronicles 7:14

 What if Martin Luther had done nothing in history? The world of religions would still be looking at the Bible the same way. The Letter to the Romans would still be read the same or not read at all.  Religious people don't like that book because it's not work.  They want to do stuff or rather nothing significant for the Kingdom.  They have the heart, but no determination. Where does it say: "If my people who are called by my name..." Oh that's a beautiful verse to quote in church.  But what does it actually mean?  It means that "you" who are quoting it need to be determined about doing it.  The Word of God being read by Christians does not make the devil tremble and even if you memorize it.  No, what makes him tremble and what does Romans says: "Obey" that's right when Abraham obeyed the Word it was what made him righteous by faith. Throughout Romans we see that it's not only faith that makes us righteous but faith is always followed by

Guard your Gold (Proverbs 8:17-19)

Guard your Gold (Proverbs 8:17-19) : I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me.  Riches and honour are with me, enduring riches and righteousness.  My fruit is bette

Impressive 33rd Anniversary (Proverbs 16:18)

  Pride goes before destruction...(Proverbs 16:18) Few days ago as we were celebrating our anniversary in an undisclosed location in the city.  We had to go up one of those parkade. On that celebratory day, my wife praised me as I was driving up faster and faster from one level to the other. No problem! I could handle that confidence and pride increased.  I wanted to impress her on this memorable day.  I thought as I was approaching this narrow passage: "Watch this, I can do better"....SSCRAAAPE...You could hear coming from the front corner of the car.  I thought simultaneously: $500...$1000.. At the same time, I heard my wife yell: "Bernard!" in disgust. She just wasn't praising me anymore.  Her tone had changed abruptly. Anyway, I thought it made for an interesting story.  An anniversary we will always remember. Fortunately, the fender was already a bit damaged, but now the cost of the repairs were going to increase. Later on, we could both laugh ab

Purity of Heart (Titus 1:15-16)

  Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure.  But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and conscience are defiled.  Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live.  They are despicable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.(Titus 1:15-16) 1) The Problem with Sin Inevitably, sin is a problem for the person who is never happy in the circumstances of life.  Always complaining and never quite there yet in contentment, not at all satisfied with God and fellow individuals.  Maybe you know some of those people.  They seem to continually envy others and wished that they be in their place of prestige.  The problem with this reasoning is that they only see part of that 'prestige' pie.  In reality though, some parts are invisible to them.  We can judge others easily by looking from the outside into their lives.  We, of all people, however don't see their hearts or all of their circumstances that the

YOU Brighten up your day (2 Timothy 1:16-18)

  If you know the Truth and you don't practice it, I am sorry to say but you are a fool.  I don't say it the Bible say that. The Apostle Paul in chapter 1 of 2Timothy became aware that he had been deserted by many Christians.  Notice, there is no bitterness here.  In verse 16-18 he focuses on the Christians that offer support namely Onesipherus and his family.  This one was the only one that offer him support right there.  Sometimes, people will seemingly desert you, but don't be offended by them.  Leave them in God's hand. There was at the time a teenager who grew more and more depressed as he saw the world around him become more and more ugly.  How he began to hate the world around him and how he hated the very being that he had become.  Naturally, he even hated the parents that had brought him in the world and had made a mess of his life.  Those were the filthy fifties when everybody looked on the outside for a change. The Sun had not shone in as of yet and he endure