What is the Church? A basic description in the Bible is that it's the Body of Christ. Many members, each with different gifts. Who is in the Church or also the local church. People of different families, with feelings and cultures close to their hearts. Defensive, some untouchable, also terribly hurt. Can a wounded soldier go to war? Can a wounded soldier operate a weapon effectively? If your answer is "no" you are absolutely right. How can such a hurting Christian see clearly with the lenses he or she's got? How can a Christian with hate and malice in its heart caused by unresolved issues fit in the Body of Christ? How can a Christian who has endured 'perverse' discipline in childhood love the discipline of the Church now? Prolonged hurtful feelings of any kind can bring Satanic oppressions of many kinds. You need healing. Sunday after Sunday, church. discipline reminding some of us of our childhood in the '50s when our Sunday school teacher