
Don't Lose Courage

  Don’t Lose Courage “Don’t lose courage or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land.   One rumor comes one year, another rumor comes the next year; Rumors of violence are in the land.   Rumors that one ruler will fight against another are in the land.” (Jeremiah 51:46 GWT) Even though, this word was written 620 years BC to the children of Israel while they were in Babylon captivity.   It was prophesying their deliverance from them. Don’t be discourage by what you hear in the news or watch on TV because God has better things for those who belong to him.   He is with them always. Your future on earth may not be what you have envisage it to be, but God is always on his Throne ruling the nations. For the kingdom is the Lord’s And He rules the nations. Psalm 22:28)   The word “discourage” comes from the Old French word (des) corage: It means ‘taking away courage.   In other word, refrain from having fellowship with anything that takes away your courage and you will b

All Sufficient and Abundant Grace (1 Corinthians 12:9)

  All-Sufficient and Abundant Grace (2 Corinthians 12:9) Grace is more than for salvation, it is for all aspects of the Christian life, and we could always use it.  What would we do without this all-sufficient grace?  We need it for healing, for our interactions with people and parenting.  Grace should be our Friend, it is Jesus.  We, certainly need it in our weaknesses and in our suffering. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,  For my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)   Over my whole life, Grace has been my Friend even through the deepest depressions I have been into.   For you, it should not be any different.   God is no respecter of persons, all are equals. He has abundant grace for everyone (1 Timothy 1:12-13). Since there we are dead to sins according to Romans 6:1 we are living in grace, God in his wisdom has made an even greater abundance of grace for us.   He is always the one who place us at strategic places of ministries where h

Email Me!

Email Me Please don’t but only if you want!    I am reading a book that inspires me very much.   It is called, “Out of The Comfort Zone” by George Verwer. Who was the international director of Operation Mobilization.   I met George in 1984, when I was with OM in Belgium on a summer mission trip from here Canada.   He was a good example to me. He went to be with the Lord just recently. In this book, he writes about a book of Charles Swindoll, “Grace Awakening”.   In that book, I paraphrase that if we understood vertical Grace, we would be able to live the horizontal Grace. We have been saved by Grace, let us give that Grace to others with them present or not.   If we were to ask any Christian of any church, if his or her church lives in unity, he or she probably would give an affirmative answer.   Yet in our spirit, we can judge silently and not offend anyone right?   I do it, we all do it and it offends God.   He knows our every thought (1 Chronicles 28:9)     We have lowered our

Revive me (Psalm 119:154)

  Revive me Some of us without admitting it need more help than others.   Honestly, I will admit it I need help more than others.   I am weak on my own, but only with God I am strong. The Scripture I want to share with you ( Psalm 119:154) is one that God spoke to me through my French Bible, one that I had previously underline and well marked.   In French it goes as follow: Prends ma cause en main et charge toi de moi, comme tu l’as promis, rends-moi la vie (Psaume 119:154)   In English, the same verse goes like this: Plead my cause, and redeem me, Give me life according to your promise. (Psalms 119:154)   Literally, in the French there is a pleasant difference than the English.   The French translation simply says: “Take my cause in your hands and load me on yourself like you have promised, give me back my life.”     I don’t find to often how personal the French translation, but this encouraged me greatly.   Some of us need our lives back.   It would be nice if

I Believe What you Say...

  I bel ieve What you Say... Up to this point, I assumed that believing in Jesus was one package, but I found out after years of Christian living that it is not enough to believe in him.  You must believe unequivocally what he says a ‘knowledge’ that is unshakable. His Word is the Truth and that without any doubt stands throughout the ages. Here is an example of Jesus saying the words, ‘believe me’: “ Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.   I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.   He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:11-12) So, my question to myself and to each one of you is when the words in the Bible resonate to our heart. Do I or we believe what he is saying or are they forgotten and covered in sand?   It is especially important to not merely believe in Him even though it is crucial to an

How Much Does it Costs? (Matthew 8:18-22)

  How Much Does it Costs? Decisions, decisions! Sometimes are hard but not if it is something worthwhile.   For example, Grace is free, but it is not cheap because the sacrifice Jesus made, makes it worthwhile. In Matthew 8:18-22, Jesus sets the bar high but not unreachable if we do it his way.   Religion is easy; it is just a habit.   Living the life Jesus lived is a matter of the heart.   Even repeating words to improve your life and make yourself a better person is easy but identifying and putting yourself in the shoes of your Teacher becomes much more difficult unless you follow him with all your heart. Block by block and precept upon precept following Christ is a relationship. In verse 19, the scribe or teacher of the Law came and told Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”   In his own language this religious leader probably didn’t even look beyond the wall of his synagogue like most religious people do today in the church.   But following Jesus meant a loss of a c

Better than a Pot of Gold (Romans 3:22-24)

    This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God , a nd are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus . (Romans 3:22-24)   Please don’t miss the beauty and simplicity of these few verses.   This verses to me are the key to what God can do for your life.   It means basically that all that you have to do in order to be counted a just person to God is to believe in Jesus Christ.   Put aside your own ideas about what religion is.   God through these verses is saying, you don’t have to do anything to please him.   The works that come after you believe are not really works but come out of your obedient heart to him. Obedience comes through his Word and what he reveals to you.   What I want to say is that nothing we do with God should not be done out of duty but out of pleasure.   It is a partnership between God and you.   There is no di