All mankind knows that God exists Romans 1:18-20

But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.  For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.  God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  From time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God has made.  They can clearly see his invisible qualities---his eternal power and divine nature.  So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

God's anger is not like human anger because it pleads for all mankind to plead for them to come to back to him.  It's more like a strong holy disapproval.  It's wicked people who push truth away from themselves.  Not their own made up truth but God's truth and anything that would draw them to himself.  They make a conscious effort to reject him knowing full well that God is the Author and Maker of all things and being created.  I had like to think that mankind is pushing the truth away from itself by introducing all kinds of doctrines and beliefs contrary to the Word of God.  Of course, we can't blame it all on the devil who influences mankind in a down spiral of lies.  We have a responsibility to our Maker to embrace and believe the Truth.  All that we have here on the Earth is lend to us.  We are just borrowing and we are supposed to also manage it taking care of it.  We ought not necessarily collect brownie points in heaven by fighting for the environment but just do our part of  good management.  We should not take any of our beliefs to extremes where it becomes dangerous.  We can't change anyone but ourselves first.

Anyway, what I am actually trying to say without getting into politics is that we are all without excuses for not knowing God personally in an intimate relationship of the spirit and doing it the way he outlines in the Gospel.  Doing it our way will lead us to hell but doing it his way is the only way to a fullness of life and satisfaction.  The reason that we are not happy is because we seek our own happiness and not God's who deserves it all.  We owe it all to him but he forgives all of our debts when we come to him and be reconciled.

The choice is yours and mine to make it right with our Maker, God and Jesus Christ, His Son.


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