Jesus Christ predicted as the Shepherd (Ezekiel 34:23-24)

And I will set one shepherd over them, even my servant David.  He will feed them and be a shepherd to them.  And I, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David will be a prince among my people.  I, the Lord, have spoken!

In the Gospel of Matthew 1 in the chapter of the earthly genealogy of Jesus, in verse 20 the angel refers to Joseph, Jesus's legal father as the son of David.  So in that sense he could be saying David's descendant so obviously Jesus is also David's legal descendant.  (legal here is not opposed to illegal but earthly descendants)

I wanted to explain this first so that all of you would understand why in Ezekiel's verses that shepherd who is referred to as David is actually a prediction of the coming of Jesus, the son of David in a legal term but not spiritually.

Now in the Gospel of John, Jesus calls himself the good shepherd in chapter 10:11' "I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep'
And in verse 14 "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know the Father.  And I lay my life down for the sheep. "
 (This meant he was going to die on the cross for you and me)

This also shows that Jesus is the loving Shepherd that was to come through the lineage of David and who is the Messiah.  (There are other predictions of Jesus in the Old Testament of the Bible which we will cover in the next few days.)

It must also be noted that the Book of Ezekiel was written in the 6th Century BC
King David had lived and died by then around 10th Century BC
So clearly this a prediction about Jesus.  I call it a prediction but it should be called a prophecy  All prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled or still have to be fulfilled and center mostly around Jesus Christ who is the Son of God forever and ever. Amen

Welcome to this blog all the way from Canada.  Have a great day!


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