He has Risen (Jesus's resurrection predicted) Psalm 16:10

For will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your godly one to rot in the grave.

Since a dead body takes about 3 days to smell Jesus had to rise from the dead at that time.

In Psalm 118:15-17

...The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things. The strong right arm of the Lord is raised in triumph.  The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!  I will not die, but I will live to tell what the Lord has done.  The Lord has punished me severely, but he has not handed me over to death. 

Through other scriptures we know that Jesus is at the right of God the Father.  The right hand usually represents the place of authority.  Here in these verses alone "The right arm of the Lord is mentioned 3 times. Would it be a coincidence that he rose after 3 days?

You might say: "Well, Jesus did die!", but you have to read it in the context of the whole verse...He was not handed over to death...meaning that he didn't fall victim of death like most people do.  He rose before that.  Soon Christians have that comforting promise that we also will rise with him at our resurrection.  There is not one Christian out there that doesn't want our fellow men and women and children to rise with them.

is a good website to visit if you want to learn more about the different prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus's life here on earth.  Number 47 in that list is the one about his resurrection.

The reason I especially chose the prophecy of the resurrection is that the resurrection is very important to us, Christians because it gives us a reason to live and see people live and get healed and even rise from the dead. We celebrate it at Easter usually Spring time here in Canada

Tomorrow we will look at one more prophecy about the birth of Jesus (A prophecy we rightly like to quote at Christmas time) and then we will be finished for prophecies although I encourage you all to go to that website: www.jesusfilm.org and investigate about Jesus.  There is no wrong there, he doesn't mind to be checked out and you can search your own Bible for answers.  There are online tools to help you study the Bible if you have access to the internet.  One of them is: www.biblestudytools.com
There are many others and they are mostly free as well as free apps to read the Bible.

Thank you for your interest in this blog.  Have a great day!  Here we have blue sky and sunshine 


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