Hosea 6:1-3 Come, let us return to the Lord!

"Come, let us return to the Lord!  He has torn us to pieces; now he will heal us.  He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds.  In just a short time, he will restore us so we can live in his presence.  Oh that we might know the Lord!  Let us press on to know him!  Then he will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring."

Come, let us return to the Lord!  Listen to this invitation, he is not begging anyone.  This is the Lord who is Almighty.  He does not really need anyone to carry on but he knows, first of all his own wrath and his own mercy,  He has set it up so that in reality you need him to be your Father and be happy in life.  He is inviting you to have fellowship, to be one with him.  There are millions of angels rejoicing when one human joins the Father in Heaven.  The best thing that could ever happen to anybody.  The return of the Prodigal son or daughter.  The freedom of one human is priceless to heaven and to the Father.  He has torn us, this is difficult to understand, but notice that his healing is never too far behind.  He tears us for the sake of our healing.  True love, tears down and repairs it.  This is what the effect of true spanking should be.  Never in anger but in love.  He wants you to be, ultimately, with him.  Oh he loves you so much and you too, he loves you.  'Knowing' in this sense means intimacy, a special Father-child oneness.
That is the Promise to keep:  He will respond to us like the newness and freshness of the dawn and the early rains of spring.  The dawn is always beautiful.  I was a baker for many years and every once in a while I would experience the dawn, a special awe inspiring quiet time of the day.  Spring is also beautiful here where I live, Northern Canada.  After a long harsh Winter,  Spring is here with a first rain, meaning no more harshness of winter.  Just beautiful!  Have a blessed weekend!  See you on Monday! God really loves you and he wants the best for you which is to spend time with him like a child on his or her dad's lap.


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