Isaiah 26:3,4

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!  Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord for the Lord is the eternal Rock.

Are you concerned about your mind?
In social media I seem to see a lot of content and concerns about peace of mind. The Bible in this verse seems to give me a clue about what causes lack of peace in our mind and that is lack of focus, a wondering mind has never peace. It gives the solution: focus on God because he is Peace. It sounds too simple to the intellect and to a self-dependant society it is almost unbearable.
We want to figure out our own problems and deal with them.
But the answer is for us to trust in the one who is in charge, God himself.
Could you please refer to him for your mind?  He is the one who made it and he can give you peace.
Have a great day!


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