John 14:27 Peace is a gift for you

I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is not like the peace the world gives.  So don't be troubled or afraid.

“Shalom”, this was the special blessing and greeting that Jews would offer to each other.  Here, Jesus just gives it to us.
Today, it’s the same in the world, peace is considered a special and rare commodity. Actors in Hollywood would give a lot of their wealth just to have a bit of peace. People practice meditation of all types just to get into peace (relaxation). Drug addicts spend their fortune which they acquire mostly, from stealing just to get a puff of peace. Peace, just consider it for a minute. It could be free coming from God, but it would be costly at the same time anyone would have to give up stuff like bad habits, etc...A man  or a woman need to be challenged by peace. I can tell you that many people are impatient in waiting rooms because of lack of peace, it’s hard to experience peace at a time like that unless you learn to even make it quality time, (ie: I prepare my blog on my phone).  We have not quite arrived at experiencing fullness of peace.  We live in a time when peace is admired above all. Peace actually is a characteristic of success and wealth. You are blessed if you have true peace. 
Peace be unto you, brothers and sisters!


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