Avoiding Immoral Women (Proverbs 5:8) and more

Stay away from her!  Don't go near the door of her house!

The immoral woman

A sweet and bitter woman in speech
1) Her lips are sweet as honey
    Her mouth smoother than oil  (verse 3)
In reality she is bitter as poison and dangerous as a double edged sword. (verse 4)

2) Her feet go down to death (verse 5)  Her destiny
    Her steps lead straight to the grave    She is a leader in a bad way

3) She cares nothing about the path to life (verse 6) Wants to have nothing to do with God.
    She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't realize it (verse 6) She is ignorant.

4) Stay away from her (verse 8)
5) If you don't stay away from her, you will lose your reputation (verse 9)
6) You will loose everything (verse 10)
7) You will loose your health (illness) (verse 11)
8) You will have many regrets about undisciplined life and about not listening to mentors (verse 13)
9) Public disgrace (verse 14)

10) Encouragement to loyalty in marriage with your wife (verse 15-20)

11) For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes (verse 21)

12) An evil man is bound by his own sins (verse 22) Not free

13) He will die because of lack of self control (verse 23      
He will be lost.

In a world emancipated from the truth, the man who does his own things by his own moral laws will fail miserably.  Flirting with the immoral whether you are a woman or a man is dangerous.
Listening to counsels of wise mentors is necessary in a world full of crocodiles.

We all need to be emancipated by the Truth for real freedom in God.

What is Truth? Pontus Pilate asked (Jesus). (John18:38)
Jesus said nothing.  Pilate was probably mocking and not really wanting to know the answer.
He could have said...I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through me (John 14:6)

If you are looking for the Truth, Jesus is the Answer to your life.
Ask him he will come in.


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