Lessons for Daily living (Proverbs 6:6 )

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.
Learn from their ways and become wise!

What I like about the book of Proverbs is that it is God's honesty displayed.  It says it like it is and following this verse, it will give the consequence of laziness being poverty.
Now laziness is greatly being misunderstood in our society.  A person suffering from mental illness is not lazy when he or she stay at home doing nothing because of lack of motivation.  Laziness is not retirement, in fact some retirees are busier than they were when they worked at a job.  Resting is not laziness.  Even being busy is not and shouldn't be a statement that you not lazy to people around you.  Even being disabled mentally or physically doesn't mean you are lazy.  Because people put a "lazy" label on you doesn't mean you are lazy. Just because you are a teenager doesn't mean you are lazy...so please no more teenager's roasting.  A teenager can be a hard working teenager.

Actually, laziness according to the dictionary is the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy.

So, this would mean that this person is wilfully choosing not to work but has the ability to work and energy.

As we go through Proverbs we see among other things  that the writer and Author of Proverbs  knew our human nature.  We all know of some laziness in our life although none of us is completely adsorbed in total laziness we have some laziness to take care of.  We are not all as industrious as the ant.  We know we have homework to do.  We know that we have shores to take care of, but we keep putting them off and the list goes on and on.  Some of you might end up having a bad summer as a result of what I just said.  To console you, I do speak from experience and I must admit I am lazy to a certain degree.  Proverbs constantly shows us our rough edges and consequences that we don't like.

In this chapter 6 alone, it speaks of  the consequence of taking debts of a stranger upon oneself and the solution (verses 1-5)
The consequences of those who are wicked, they will be suddenly destroyed 

The seven things the Lord God hates: Proud look, lying, killing the innocent, plotting and being eager to do evil, being a false witness, sowing discord in a family.

The link between rebellion to parents and being involved with an immoral woman and the consequences of adultery.

Those are certainly things we don't want to hear and are not enjoyable to hear, but we need to hear them in order to have a life build on good principles.

I hope you have a great weekend


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