The Healing from God's Wisdom (Proverbs 3:7-8)

Don't be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones.

We all know and emphasize the verses before that, some of us even have them memorized. What about these two verses?  We might end up seeing the doctor less often if we adopted wisdom's principles in our lives.  Healing to our bodies and strength to our bones.  Anyone with bone disease of any kind?
A lot of people are turning to herbs and natural medicines, but we have neglected the wisdom of God that urges us to turn from evil.  We don't like to do that, you say!  But here we see it as being healthy for you.  That is why the book of Proverbs is shied away from so much!  It encourages us to turn from evil continually.  Why?  Because God hates sin, I mean he just doesn't like it, but he hates it with a passion just as much as you hate certain things. Hate is a strong emotion of total dislike.  But here we are encourage to not just hate it but turn away from evil and fear the Lord or trust him.  Trust is to me, like total rest in the abundance of confidence provided by the Lord.  It's more than just blind trust but there is an abundance of trust toward the Lord.  He is a living God who provides that trust that we need.  We must see that everything we do or have has been provided already.  We are totally and truly helpless.  We need him!

We also recognize the bad habits we have but persist in doing them and don't walk away from doing them so we acknowledge in ourselves they are bad for our health but don't do anything to avoid them.  Is that not a companionship with evil rather than a hate for it.
How are we then surprised of our visits to the doctors.  We must be bringing it upon ourselves.

I, personally, don't avoid evil as much as I should but I will try everything not to walk into it.  Starting with my words that is.  I try as much as I can to speak good words of encouragement to others especially to my wife because I know my life depends on it.

I found this quote from ''

"A word of encouragement 
during a failure is worth more
than an hour of praise after success."


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