All (Romans 1:18-20)

But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.  For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.  God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky God has made.  They can clearly see his invisible qualities---his eternal power and divine nature.  So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. 

That word "all", if it wasn't there it would change the whole meaning for a lot of Christians.  But no, God put this word in there for a reason, didn't he?  Yes the reason was to cause all Christians who push that Bible passage in churches, to repent.  They certainly meant well and it made us all look good in the eyes of the world.  But to God, it caused his anger to show against us.  So much, that our sermons lack the fire and our prayer meeting are so boring and repetitive.  We want nothing, but numbers and not lives to be changed for the kingdom of God.  Our focus is on order and discipline.  Truly we have lost it.  Oh that God's people would come back to him.  We have fallen badly.  The world or the sinful people like we used to call them, have become ourselves.  We need to beat our chest and rent our hearts in repentance or we will loose one more generation to the Gospel.

In Hosea 4:6, it says that "my people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge because they don't know me."

Whose responsibility is that?  It is all of us, especially teachers and preachers and the people who try to understand the Bible.

I have been told several times that if you claim to have a word from the Lord you better make sure it is.  When you haven't, what will you do?  God is fortunately merciful if we repent so why don't we do that.  It is the responsibility for a good teacher  to carefully study the word of God and make sure the people he teaches understand it fully.

Back to Romans 1:18,  I found out something in the footnote of my says 'who prevent the truth of being known'.  That's the actual meaning for: 'who push the truth away from themselves'.

Is it not dangerous to do that to God?  He doesn't corner anybody to do anything, like some who want more people to a Bible study.  He doesn't embarrass us at the front of everybody and talk about our weight and exercise.  No, he doesn't do that.  He just render us powerless and literally becomes angry.  We all know the outcome of that, don't we?  He wins!

Have a great day! 


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