Loving the whole Verse (2 Chronicles 7:14)

 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will heard from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

I like this verse and the way it's constructed.  I like the "and's" in this sentence connecting all the elements into one.  Not one element is more important than the other.  All must be done together.

Humble could mean a lot of things to us and yet one thing humility is related to is 'rest'.  They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31)  The word "wait" means trust and God is fully aware of what happens inside of us.  A lot of mistrust, worry.  We can put a humble face, but God sure looks at the heart.  If humility is not part of our characters it doesn't count.  Are you afraid of what people may think of you?  Where is humility in that.  Now the kind of praying I am sure he is referring to is mostly 'closet' prayer, why?  Because public prayers have three problems, no privacy, no privacy and no... We should have the option to pray in private.  The world around us doesn't need to know about our dirty laundry.  Prayer starts at home.  Where is it in the home?  I still have a long way to go.  Seeking his face means seeking his will, his presence and then turn from our wicked ways.  Our wicked ways are hidden in the darkness and needs to be brought to the light one by one.  Uncomfortable? Yes!

There is the promise of all these put together.

I will hear from heaven

I will forgive their sins

I will heal their land

The answer to all that is this: No doing, no seeing!

God can't be fooled and honestly I have not even arrived yet.  He is speaking this to me first!

Let us remember our friends of the United States today as we remember them and look back on 9/11 almost 20 years ago already.

We remember the whole world as different catastrophes are happening all over.  Lord, hear our prayers as we turn from our wicked ways to do your will.  Please heal all of our lands.

Thank you Lord!

Have a great day you all!


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