The Steps of the Godly

 The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord.  He delights in every details of their lives.  Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.

                                                   (Psalm 37:23-24)

Oh! Do you feel and get a sense of knowing God carry you over in these verses?  A sense that he is always near?  If not, stop what you doing and press the 'Pause' button on your spirit and breathe.  You have worked too hard and have not waited on the Lord.  You have lost focus of him.

The godly have that constant knowledge of the Lord's presence in their lives.  They are not foolish or stupid, they know they need help and they are not getting it from anybody but the Lord.  You might be on solid sand but they are on the solid Rock.  They see further too, and their ground is harder.  The godly or the Christian that follow God sincerely may look naïve, but they actually know where they are going and you don't.

Yes, the truly godly Christian should have a peace knowing that everything will be totally taken care of even until he sees God in heaven.

Is it important for you to be directed by the Lord?  If not you are just aiming in the dark and no joy with it.  Just frustrated!  He's got where he wants you, just start your day with him and start breathing in his love for you.  Here it comes! Now you hear his voice and follow directions.

I was baking the other day and then I thought every man needs to learn to bake just for the direction process.

Have fun today!  Remember to meditate on the Word and focus on the Lord.  It will make a big difference in your life.  Read all of Psalm 37 too! 


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