Losing the Ark

Finally, the day came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous.

He was 600 years old when the the flood came

                                                                                                                 (Genesis 7:1,6)

 I have a wild imagination.  I wrote over 500 poems and at one time I could have written one about anything.  I have lost the habit now.  I still like to write though.  I was thinking today that we all need an Ark perspective, a tri-dimensional view of the ark.  This one is from the people who didn't make it into the ark.  How sad it really is that so many people had to go.  Were they innocent?  Well no, they are the ones who broke God's heart.  They obviously knew very well what they were doing.  We are too quick at saying people are innocent.  Breaking God's heart is a very serious offense I had say.  When nations decide that they will do away with innocent fetuses and killed them voluntarily, they are no longer innocent.  When they decide to take prayer out of the schools, they know what they are doing.  Now they have empty schools from the pandemic begging for children to come back and be educated.  That's what no God in the schools means.  Now people are shouting to God.  Where are you God?  Our countries are burning and how sad it is for me to see it.  Our people are rebelling everywhere.  The lifestyle of many people is deteriorating and what are we supposed to do?  We are not innocent anymore when we see this.  We all have something to do with it.  Do you feel the anger of God?  I do!  People have lost the ark.  They were caught in the flood.  They had refused to repent.  They had watched Noah build the ark day after day with no intention of changing.  They had committed the vilest sins or crimes.  Their hearts were constantly bend on doing evil.  Was God happy about them being in the flood?  He knew he had created them for his Glory, but they had gone the other way.  Their own way.  They had lost everything and God's heart was broken.  It was hell on earth, literally, for them as it is for people who loose their homes to fires as much as parents who loose their children to drugs or pornography.  They had not just lost the ark, but their dreams, their business, their homes.  Just imagine how sad God was.  He had wanted the best for them and now they had rejected it all.  Noah had understood what God wanted, but not them.  Noah had consistently done God's will.  He truly loved God with all his heart and today some churches would reject him as a leader because of his looks, instead of his character.  He was a leader!

For 600 years he had held true to the faith.  No wonder his name is in the list of heroes of faith in Hebrews 11.  What about you?

Our hearts go out today to our friend from the United States as they remember the victims of 9/11.

Have a great day!


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