Missing the Ark (Genesis 6:6-8, 6:14) Genesis 6:9)

 So the Lord was sorry he had made them.  It broke his heart.  And the Lord said, "I will completely wipe out this human race that I have created.  Yes, and I will destroy all the animals and birds, too.  I am sorry I ever made them."  But Noah found favor with the Lord.

"Make a boat...."

God's heart was broken>Noah found grace >The boat or the ark

God's heart was broken>I found grace>The Cross

Finding grace is like finding rest and we do that at the Cross.  Like the vision of the wheels, our lives are laid at the cross and find power when we stay connected to the element of the Gospel.

Noah found grace and the boat saved him and his family from the flood of sin

We find grace at cross and we are saved from the flood of sin in our lives.

Now this is the next day, today, I write.  I had a great devotion this morning.  Yesterday, I had no idea that this was coming but this morning everything changed.  God dropped in my heart what I am about to share.  Difficult, but simple stuff.  What if Noah had been a man or (woman) pleaser?  Would he still have built the ark?  No he wouldn't and if he had done so it would have sunk.  Why?  Because he would have welcomed a few more in it than he should.

Man and woman pleasers are destroying the Church.  Yes we need to be friendly with sinners and welcome them in the kingdom, but we don't have to compromise our beliefs.  A church will sink if there are too many man and woman pleasers in it.  We will start doing things that are comfortable for people and keep them that way...and what about the town you live in and what about the world you live in?  Step out of it and start doing the Gospel.  Whatever God puts on your heart.

I really think that Noah was a leader in his generation.  The Bible says so...in verse 9..."Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time. He consistently followed God's will and enjoyed a close relationship with him."

Did he have any friends?  I don't think so after he started building the ark, but it didn't matter to him anymore.  He was willing to take a risk and follow God.  Mrs. Noah followed him I think, but his three sons did for sure.

God had to keep a seed to carry to the Messiah and it was in Noah.  It was in Noah because we would all break his heart one more time at the Cross.  It has been proven and found scientifically that Jesus died of a broken heart.  You can google it >Jesus died of a broken heart...

               ...And what if Noah had been a man pleaser, would he had missed the Ark and what about you?

Have a great day!


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