He is the King of the Ages (Psalm 119:145-152)


145. I pray with all my heart; answer me, Lord!  I will obey your principles.  146. I cry out to you; save me, that I may obey your decrees.  147. I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in your words.  148. I stay awake through the night, thinking about your promise.  149. In your faithful love, O Lord, hear my cry; in your justice, save my life.  150. Those lawless people are coming near to attack me; they live far from your law.  151. But you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true.  152. I have known from my earliest days that your decrees never changes. (Psalm 119:145-152)

A prayer to my King (v.145-147)

Let's treat God like a King and pray with our whole heart.  In fact, let us even expect an answer.  Furthermore, shall we not expect an answer as we are committed to rise up early?  Certainly, are we not serving the Living God and so where is our commitment to him? In addition to this, where have we put our hope other than in his words?

The comfort of the night (v.148-150)

Consequently,  tasting his promise I stay awake through the night.  Presently, remember your love and hear my cry.  Even now, in your justice save my life from those lawless people.

They are far, but you are near (v.150-151)

Furthermore, they are far from your law and in other words also far from me. In contrast, you are near to me.  As a matter of fact, I even experience the truth of your commands.

Never changes (v.152)

In these tumultuous times, one thing comforts me the most...From my earliest days, you never change.


Finally, since we are committed to our King, we must show it in our attitude, especially when no one other than God sees us.  Consequently, the real test of our commitment to him is in our actions rather than in our words.  Through it all, although people around us constantly change and move, we have that firm assurance that God and his Word stays the same.  He never changes and that guarantees us a future full of hope.   Who else does this?



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