Is God big enough (Psalm 119:153-160)


153. Look down upon my sorrows and rescue me, for I have not forgotten your law.  154.Argue my case; take my side!  Protect my life as you promised.  155. The wicked are far from salvation, for they do not bother with your principles.  156. Lord, how great is your mercy; in your justice, give me back my life.  157. Many persecute and trouble me, yet I have not swerved from your decrees.  158. I hate  these traitors because they care nothing for your word.  159. See how I love your commandments, Lord.  Give back my life because of your unfailing love.  160. All your words are true; all your just laws will stand forever.

1) How deep is hopelessness? (v.153-154)

Indeed, how far down into our heart can God look?  Will he see my sorrow?  Consequently, have you ever felt like there is no one near? Especially with this pandemic.  When we all long for human touch.  Where is God in all this?  How deep is hopelessness?  Have I really tasted all of it?  Yet I have not forgotten your law.  Nevertheless, my hope comes from God.  Where does your hope come from?  What do you do when you cry?  To whom do you go for comfort?  Moreover, who will rescue you from it?

2) How far is too far? (v.155-156)

As well, how vast is the ocean?  It is vast enough to contain God's mercy.  In addition to this, the wicked is never too far where God's mercy can't reach.  They do not bother with his principles now, but wait salvation is still on the horizon.  How far is too far?  Indeed, only God knows! How great is God's mercy?  Never too small for a life!

3) Give me back my life (v.157-159)

Although, on the inside all your walls crumble in.  And still, when people have betrayed you and turn from you in hopelessness.  What else is there to do, but to pray this prayer..."Lord, give me back my life because of your unfailing love!"

Ultimately! (v.160)

Nevertheless, through our feelings of despondency and hopelessness God shines through and his words remain true and all his laws will stand forever.  All my misconceptions will just be that!  Inevitably, all my misunderstanding will be that too!  The world goes round with all its toil and grief, but his word stands strong!  Turn to his Word!


Finally, life gets better, just cry to someone who cares.  He has the power to give you your life back!


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