
Insight on Wealth (Proverbs 28)

Leafing through Proverbs  As we read through proverbs from king Solomon in the Bible. We discover that there is a wealth of wisdom from the wisest man (apart from Jesus) who ever lived on this planet.  Many of us, might question the wisdom behind the many wives he ended up having. Attitude toward Wealth Regardless, in this book, we notice a fair amount of advice about wealth and riches.  Particularly, chapter 28 drew my attention because apart from helping us detect a wicked ruler from the bunch.  It also speak of what a healthy attitude should be toward 'wealth' and how to approach it. There are destructive pattern in that regard and positive ones.  We must respect wealth and not treat it as something it's due us. Getting Rich Quick Apparently, there are two verses in chapter 28 that refer to 'get rich quick'.  It is the desire in a person to get rich quick that brings them to ruin. Trusting God keeps us on target.  The greedy man or woman is the one in control. 

It’s a Shameful Sting (1 Corinthians 11:22)

  What? Is this really true? Don't you have your own homes for eating and drinking?  Or do you really want to disgrace the church of God and shame the poor ?  What am I supposed to say about these things?  Do you want me to praise you?  Well, I certainly do not. (1Corinthians 11:22) It's in the Bible First of all, the subject of shame is in a lot of places in the Bible.  It all begins with the heart.  Have you ever embarrassed someone for their weight or religions or beliefs.  The way they feel or think?  You have managed to embarrass the very core of their being. The very part in which they believe.  Do you see the offense now? It's very personal Personally, I have become sensitive to it. Collectively, our mission should not be to make a person who feels good about themselves and shrink them to an inch tall in shame and humiliation.  Are you curious why I chose this passage of Scriptures?  Today, the Church is doing it even without the awareness of it and it makes peop

That’s Faith First of all, I had like to thanks and acknowledge whoever made this beautiful video. Jumping First' A mother duck jumping first from a bridge.  Then waiting down below for her 13 ducklings to follow her.  Now this takes faith and trust that they will be alright up there and follow her.  Way to go mom! Taking it Personal Most of the time, I like to personalize a lesson of faith and put it into practice.  In life, God wants us to sometimes take a leap of faith.  Let's see! He did it himself first, didn't it?  Now you do it!  He died to self on the Cross putting the desires of his Father ahead of his.  He did it to the point of almost giving up.  He said: "Let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as I will but as you will "( Matthew 26:39). He was crucified for you, now you do it.  The Christian life is it in a nutshell.  The kernel of corn

About Being Anxious (Philippians 4:6-7)

  Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)     The Obvious... How can you be anxious? Come on, a Christian shouldn't be anxious Get over it... The Reality... Listen, mental illness is very real. Thus, there are times the voices in my head becomes loudest than anything else.  Some of you reading this might have a mental illness without having been diagnosed for it.  I just had to admit it.  That's all! Last night, I was already in bed with anxious thoughts flooding my head.  My left leg was responding with vengeance.  Muscle stiffness.  I rolled on 'Hot and Cold' medicine on it.  It burned instantly under the heated blanket.  This morning, my wife said it was a mistake to put that under the heat.  Eventually, I had fallen asleep and it went away.

Not Left Alone (John 14:18)

No, I will not abandon you as orphans---I will come to you. (John 14:18) Packed with Hope Even though, this word of a wonderful promise was given to them, the disciples.  It was given to every believers since that time.  A short verse that is also packed with hope. Jesus is the Father I like this 14th chapter in John because here Jesus is most transparent to his disciples.  Hereto, he opens his own heart and shows us who the Father is.  Clearly Jesus is the Father himself.  He said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him. (verse 9). Not Comfortless Furthermore, they have not left us comfortless and throughout the history of the true Bride of Christ, the Church of the born again Christians has witnessed the faithfulness of the Trinity through the person of the Holy Spirit.  In fact, Jesus himself promised us this Counsellor above all other counsellors. The Holy Spirit is Relevant This Holy Spirit has been reminding and leading us into

You can do it (Philippians 4:13)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.  (Philippians 4:13) Have you ever been at a point in your life where you have not been able to do anything?  Nothing at all.  I have, several times over.  Unfortunately, that's what the paralyzing effect of depression does for you. Long time ago when our children were still young.   One of them made a plaque for my wife and stuck on it a piece of paper.  On it is written the words of Philippians 4:13..."I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me".  Here is the plaque! By now , it's worn out but even more precious than ever .                                     This verse is a wonderful verse and has ,literally, been my life-line many times.  It kept me going when I just wanted to give up altogether.  It's a verse that we memorize when young.  Yet we don't fully understand it because we take it for granted. Unless you find yourself facing a wall and crying to God. "Dear God, I

At Lazarus's Funeral (John 11:43)

  Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus come out!"  (John 11:43) Hi everyone, I am having a good rest and enjoying it.  I was glad to find out that a lot more people are reading these posts that my stats show.  It's encouraging.  I thank you all for that. An interesting observation:  Why are emotions running so high at funerals and weddings and not in other events of life? Do we burry our emotions for everything else?  We seem to be living in a world that is contrary to emotions and opinions.  What do you think? Anyway, that's what I feel and when you deal with mental illness like I do it becomes very challenging to be part of a robot like society that does not want opinions shared and receive any display of emotions favorably.  It's hard to see and feel such a treatment.  Do you find that as well? I am still reading that book "Anatomy of the Soul" by Dr Curt Thompson who is a psychiatrist.  He talks about emotions being very important in relationships with other