
You can do it (Philippians 4:13)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.  (Philippians 4:13) Have you ever been at a point in your life where you have not been able to do anything?  Nothing at all.  I have, several times over.  Unfortunately, that's what the paralyzing effect of depression does for you. Long time ago when our children were still young.   One of them made a plaque for my wife and stuck on it a piece of paper.  On it is written the words of Philippians 4:13..."I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me".  Here is the plaque! By now , it's worn out but even more precious than ever .                                     This verse is a wonderful verse and has ,literally, been my life-line many times.  It kept me going when I just wanted to give up altogether.  It's a verse that we memorize when young.  Yet we don't fully understand it because we take it for granted. Unless you find yourself facing a wall and crying to God. "Dear God, I

At Lazarus's Funeral (John 11:43)

  Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus come out!"  (John 11:43) Hi everyone, I am having a good rest and enjoying it.  I was glad to find out that a lot more people are reading these posts that my stats show.  It's encouraging.  I thank you all for that. An interesting observation:  Why are emotions running so high at funerals and weddings and not in other events of life? Do we burry our emotions for everything else?  We seem to be living in a world that is contrary to emotions and opinions.  What do you think? Anyway, that's what I feel and when you deal with mental illness like I do it becomes very challenging to be part of a robot like society that does not want opinions shared and receive any display of emotions favorably.  It's hard to see and feel such a treatment.  Do you find that as well? I am still reading that book "Anatomy of the Soul" by Dr Curt Thompson who is a psychiatrist.  He talks about emotions being very important in relationships with other

In the Presence of a king (Philippians 2:10-11)

So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  (Philippians 2:10-11) In the presence of a king Have you ever been in the presence of a king in your life?  Once when I was visiting a museum of painted arts in Brussels and I was maybe only 16 years of age, I came close to the king and queen of Belgium.  They were dressed simply, but just the knowledge and the recognition that these were the monarch of my country (at the time), filled me with respect for them. Simply put, how would you react to the presence of a king, especially if he were of your country? I have not really had an encounter with such people since, but I will always remember the moment of being with a king and a queen. In the presence of the King of kings Now, let's just imagine if that very same king would know everything about you.  How would you react then?  Wouldn't there be a

God Only Knows (1 John 1:9) With link to song

  But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong.  (1 John 1:9) Secrets too Deep Although, God knows about everything in yours and my life.  He still wants a relationship and for that we have to communicate with him.  No matter how you look at it everyone has secrets.  They hurt too much to speak of.  They are way too deep in our subconscious.  Maybe this is the way it should be.  Sometimes we hurt so much from our past  that we have chosen not to share it with anyone.  People can be hard to trust sometimes. God Only Knows There is a song that really bless me and I want to share it with you all. It's  "God Only Knows" by - For Kings and Country.  A Christian singing group. Pet sin anyone? Many times, we have a "Pet sin".  It's  a sin we like so much that we adopt it in our lives to nurture and care for.  This might be ridiculous as you read this.  God wants to mostly be trusted with our issues in our

This Light (John 3:18-21)

  There is no judgment awaiting those who trust.  But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God.  Their judgment is based on this fact:  The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness.  They stay away from the light  for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished.  But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants. (John 3:18-21) This Penetrating Light Naturally, someone who has been much in darkness as I have been can truly appreciate the enjoyment of light.  It's like coming out of a dark cave and after a long time coming out into the light...I can see, how wonderful it is! Light always overcomes darkness.  It is the Sun that is active and the dark of night is passive, so the morning invades the night and not the other w

What happens to us when we love God?

Be careful to obey all the commands I give you; show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and clinging to him.  Then the Lord will drive out all the nations in your land, though they are much greater and stronger than you.  Wherever you set your feet, the land will be yours... (Deuteronomy 11:22-24) How to love God? (v.22 As a child show his father how much he loves him by being obedient to him.  It is not any different between God and ourselves.  Obedience is what characterize us from the rest.  It is what distinguish us.  As a child also can be clinging to his father of mother, so we too show our love to him by demonstrating how much we really need him.  We cling to him! Then, he will fight (v.23) Furthermore, he will fight for you if you keep to your side of the commitment to love him with all your being.  Are you oppressed at the moment?  Are you in an apparent losing battle?  Then love God by obeying him and cling to him, then he will drive out whatever is troubling yo

John the Baptist-Man of Purpose

  Man of Purpose Introducing, John the Baptist, no, that is not his denomination.  It is his calling.  Little is known about him but enough to draw a good picture.  Very straight forward and he said it like it was.  He came with a purpose and a duty, he stack with the plan and never complained.  They announced him  in the Scriptures as the voice in the wilderness.  Obviously, He was the forerunner of Christ.  He would clear the way for Jesus's ministry and proclaim his coming.  He was very much a chosen vessel.  Yet, I have heard very little about him, except in Scripture.  I have heard many sermons about other Bible personalities.  Also, I have seen a lot of books, but seldom about John the Baptist.  Yet, Jesus himself spoke highly of him (Matthew 11:11) and he seemed to refer to John as an example of humility.  Definitely not, the guy you would invite to a three piece suit banquet.  He would certainly have clashed with the décor. Man By Design John, the Baptist identified  himse