God Speaks (Isaiah 46:4)

 I will be your God throughout your lifetime---until your hair is white with age.  I made you, and I will care for you.  I will carry you along and save you.

I marked my Bible that day! It was on the eve of my 53rd Birthday.  On November 19, 2009.

When God speaks words like that I like to record them.  To me, they are life and they are important.  They will give me hope through hard times.  God's promises always offer us rest for our soul.  Because we forget we have to record it.

As some of you know, I have struggled through with my mental illness.  I believe because 'life' was spoken through in my spirit, this word carried me through the challenges I have been through.  Even without me making a conscious effort to remember that specific word. 

I believe that every promise that God speaks to us personally through our time with him is a seed that is planted in our heart that day and from it flourishes life, hope and rest.

If that promise had been just a word on paper, it would not have impacted my life the same.  God had to breathe his life into it.

The Bible is definitely more that words written on paper.  It requires our belief in that word.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Works and good deeds don't cut it.  He doesn't approve of them.  They don't bring you any closer to him, but faith does.  Faith can move mountains so that you have access to him.  It was faith that brought Moses up the mountain even in his old age.  It will be faith that does the impossible through you.  A real, confident, Bible believing faith.  A faith that believes God for anything, anywhere, anytime in every circumstance, even on Mondays.

God always speaks.  Are you listening?

Here is a short poem just for you!

I am the Lord

Bernard Demaere


I am the Lord,

I know where you come from,

I know which way you are going,

I know it from the start.


I am the Lord,

Is anything too hard for me?

Before you call me, it is done,

So just trust me that is who I am.


Help is on the way,

Behold it is almost there,

Just a little patience is needed,

For the fullness of my love to show.



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