My Life's story through a Tree (Jeremiah 17:7-8)


7. But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.  8. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.  Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought.  Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruits.

Born again: March 1979

Preamble: (1980) First of all, I was at a convention in Kelowna BC.  Surprisingly, the guest speaker who was from Belgium gave me these verses.  Moreover, they became my life's verses to live by.

A tree was once planted by a river and grew strong, but not in its own strength.  It came from the mighty river Jordan,  Its roots grew long by the riverbank drawing water whenever it pleased.  A word of encouragement here and a smile of approval there would make that tree very fruitful and would cause it to prosper.  "They are like trees planted along the all they do, they prosper" (Psalm 1:3).  Of course, there were stormy nights and tempests as well as sunny weather.  The Word of the Lord would be keeping that tree thriving to the sky with a vision of grandeur in its mind.  A vision of grandeur of hope for his Creator that was slow in coming through the years.  First though, the roots had to dig deep in the ground to form a firm foundation on which the trunk would rest all its weight.

After all, from the roots of right doctrines and the firm foundation that was Christ came the trunk of hope which he learned from the Word through the Ark of the Covenant and all the elements through the Law and the Covenant of the Fathers.  He found out through hope that all the basic truths of Scriptures connected beautifully and that the fire burned from within.  The blood of the animals was never enough, but finally the Blood of the Redeemer satisfied his Father.  Through that Blood came all the rest and comfort of the New Testament and trust was the sap of the tree that gave it life and hope and a future to be proud of.  A hope that causes angels to wonder and a grace that brings children to rejoice in exaltation.

Finally, and firstly all glory to Jesus who has made many trees to trust in Him and be strong through his Word by the river of Life.  Like such a tree you can accept the Life Jesus offers.  The eternal salvation in which angels peek and marvel at this mystery.  Really, you are not alone in your struggles.  There are angels all around you.  Most of all, Jesus Christ has a plan for your life right now.  The Son of God who is coming to take home to heaven all those who are his.  Will you not be in that number?

Please leave me a comment and let me know how you are doing.  The world needs hope!


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