
The Big Question (Romans 7:4)

The Big Question (Romans 7:4) : To die you must leave something behind. Forsake and forget. It is good to die for the right reason and the right person. Christ is the answer. With Christ you die and are also risen.

Words are Building Blocks (Proverbs 15:4) (2 Samuel 23:5)

  Gentle words bring life and health, a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4) Think of words as building blocks and each block is a hole (evil words) in the wall or a brick (good words). You are building a house. How are you doing when the rain is coming? Are you getting wet or protected? In all honesty, have you ever seen your own words good or bad being fulfilled in your life?  Scary?  And, even scarier is seeing, other people's words being fulfilled in their own life when they are bad.  Words are building blocks, but not only that they can destroy someone's life in a moment.  To follow Abraham's theme on faith, I think his words followed his righteousness, his faith.  What do you think? As I keep reading the Bible, I notice more and more words in it that are not usual everyday words that everyone speak.  I wrote in my notes on my phone the other day: "God will constantly look after my safety and success" Guess what?  Those words are not my own wor

Freedom is Sweet (Romans 4:8-12)

  Freedom is Sweet No matter how you look at it, freedom of any kind is sweet.  In the headlines today, a ship is the Suez canal holding back some 300 ships has been freed.  Those ships were carrying supplies to the world.  It should have been a major concern to us, because it affected each one of us.  Freedom is so sweet. Freedom unclogs you What was one clogged up is now unplugged.  Do you feel it in your soul?  All your problems which are holding you back because of fear and anxiety.  God is the master at unclogging everything.  Ultimately, he sees everything and everyone being freed.  That's what hope is, seeing the best for everyone.  If you are struggling, he sees you as full of joy once and for all.  The chains have fallen and broke when Jesus was on the cross. Connection by Faith The only connection you need is, belief.  The freedom has already been supplied some 2000 years ago, but your belief is what is to the plumber that one pipe that will connect the two ends.  To the

Success at its Prime (Joshua 1:6-9)

  Surely, no one in their wildest dream ever plans or think:  'I am going to be a failure today'.  What really make us successful?  Money? or something else?  Paul Getty, a wealthy man and a petrol-industrialist wished to give anything for a successful marital life as he had divorced four wives. He had said: "I hate to be a failure.  I hate and regret the failure of my marriages.  I would gladly give all my millions for just one lasting marital success." ( God through the Bible, actually wants us to be successful.  Well, what is it to be successful?  I am glad you asked! In Joshua 1:6-9 it says, Be strong and courageous for you will lead my people to possess the land I swore to give their ancestors.  Be strong and very courageous.  Obey all the laws Moses gave you.  Do not turn away from them, and you will be successful in everything you do.   Study this Book of the Law continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that

Maximum Impact (Acts 27:10, 21-26)

  None of you will lose their lives, even though the sip will go down.  For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, 'Don't be afraid, Paul for you will surely stand trial before Caesar!  (Acts:27:22-24) I know, I know! If you are anything like me you have either gone to at least one of them or too many of them to care.  They keep piling up and no they are not taxes or bills this time, but trials. " Lord", we say,"I want to get over with that one as fast as you can."  Don't they usually linger and last forever? It is like God really wanted Paul to go to Rome so he could face Caesar in court.  But lo and behold, even though it was God's perfect will for Paul to go to Rome it was not going to be without a storm and without any hardships.  Have you ever thought about this?  We have Christians floating around in dreamland professing that if God's will is perfect for our lives, it is going to go

Abiding in Christ

  The Bible may have contradicted and frustrated a lot of people throughout the centuries.  One thing the Bible never does, it is to contradict itself and it remains the Truth through the ages.  The same is of Jesus who was killed by mankind because he claimed to be the Messiah who he is.  No matter what mankind might do to either the Bible or Jesus, they will always remain the same.  The Rock of the Ages. A while ago, I entitled a post "I can do it" (February 22,2021)  At that time, I wrote about all the things we can do through Christ.  But now, I will complete that thought by affirming that yes we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us provided that we abide in him.  Is it not what John 15:4-6?  "... for without me you can do nothing" Also, the concept of fruit bearing can be seen in Isaiah 55:11.  With the word of God being send wherever he wants to be and accomplishing or producing fruit.  It, then prosper. It is the same with my word.  I se

Borderline Suicide

  I wrote this a few days ago in the heat of the moment and edited some of it , but now the update is that my meds might end up being reviewed and I was taking my blood pressure meds at the wrong time of the evening. Sometimes you need to meet the right people to get better and that takes time. Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning ( Psalm 30:5) In the heat of the moment Have you ever been at the end of your rope and gone crazy or close to it? In my case, all my appointments with counselor and psychiatrist were too far to care. I thought nobody wanted to spend time with me for they were too busy at life . My life was going for the worse. I washed dishes and was in tears.  I had a plan and was really depressed and thought that my life should end in the emergency room at the hospital.  There was nothing to look forward to especially now.  Again, my wife would work in a busy office for the next two months. Ray of Sunshine B